
Current BSAC Projects

Title Author
BPN926: A Wireless, Implantable, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor for Monitoring Response to Cancer Therapy Rozhan Rabbani; Micah Roschelle; Mekhail Anwar
BPNX1005: Transmission-Type Parametric Amplifier for Qubit Readout in CMOS Wei-Yu Lin
BPNX1022: Multiplexed Gas Sensors Carla Bassil
BPNX1027: Electronic-Photonic Ultrasound Receiver Array for Endoscopic Applications (New Project) Sarika Madhvapathy; Ali M. Niknejad; Vladimir Stojanović; Jun-Chau Chien
BPN999: Wearable Sweat Sensors with High-Throughput Fabrication Noelle Davis; Seung-Rok Kim; Yullim Lee; Nicole Qing
BPNX1023: CMOS-Compatible Doping of 2D Semiconductors Inha Kim; Naoki Higashitarumizu
BPNX1024: Reusable Sweat Rate Sensor Seung-Rok Kim; Yifei Zhan; Noelle Davis; Suhrith Bellamkonda
BPN973: Piezoresistive Cement Paste for Structural Health Monitoring Stuart McElhany
BPNX1008: Dual-Path Noise Elimination (DuNE): A Noise-Cancellation Technique for Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Sensors Wei Foo
BPN828: Zero Quiescent Power Microelectromechanical Receiver Qiutong Jin; Kevin H. Zheng
BPNX1011: Nanoscale Electronics with Tellurium I K M Reaz Rahman; Naoki Higashitarumizu
BPNX1032: A Quantum Nano-Electromechanical Transducer based on Interface Piezoelectricity (New Project) Kadircan Godeneli
BPNX1028: Large Scale Synthesis of Optically Active Tellurium-Based Material (New Project) Shu Wang; Naoki Higashitarumizu
BPN735: Walking Silicon Microrobots Yichen Liu; Alexander Alvara; Daniel Lovell; Dang Le
BPN992: Sensing and Actuation Applications Using Lithium Niobate PMUTs Wei Yue; Megan Teng
BPN994: Atomically Dispersed Supported Metal Catalysts for Robust Chemiresistive Gas Sensors Yaprak Ozbakir
BPNX1029: Multi-Mode Multi-Direction High-Resolution Tactile Haptics and Sensing Duo-Functional Device using Piezoelectric Metamaterial (New Project) William Dong; Zac Gwennap; Brandon Anthony; Cole Dunn
BPN995: Growth of Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Crystals under Microgravity and their Prospects for Chemical Sensing YoungJun Kim; Yaprak Ozbakir; HyoJun Min; Liam McDonough; Sai Munagavalasa; Pat Taedullayasatit
BPNX1006: Quantitative Optical Characterization of Indium Selenide Jamie Geng
BPN915: Control of Microrobots with Reinforcement Learning Yichen Liu; Kesava Viswanadha; Zhongyu Li; Emily Tan; Nelson Lojo; Derrick Han Sun; Aviral Mishra; Rushil Desai
BPN961: Integrated Photonics for Scalable Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Daniel Klawson; Yiyang Zhi; Arkadev Roy; Rohan Kumar
BPN971: High-Efficiency Ink-Based Mid-IR LEDs and Photodetectors Theodorus Jonathan Wijaya; Naoki Higashitarumizu; Shogo Tajima; Shifan Wang; Hyong Min Kim; Dehui Zhang; Shu Wang; Kyuho Lee
BPNX1003: Copolymer-Template Fabrication of Metal Oxides with Tailored Porosity toward High-performance Gas Sensors YoungJun Kim; HyoJun Min; Tzu-Chiao Wei; Yaprak Ozbakir; Carlo Carraro
BPNX1025: In-Sensor Visible to Mid-Infrared Spectral Machine Vision Dehui Zhang; Jamie Geng; Shifan Wang; Hyong Min Kim
BPN985: Multimaterial Nanoscale 3D Printing Daniel Teal
BPN976: Fully-Integrated MEMS-Based Wireless Receiver Kevin H. Zheng; Qiutong Jin; Xintian Liu
BPNX1030: Coupling a Single Spin Qubit to Superconducting Circuits on Silicon (New Project) Zihuai Zhang
BPNX1007: Surface Tension-Driven Liquid Metal Actuator Peisheng He; Zihan Wang; Wei Yue
BPN984: Large-Area Processable Two-Dimensional Material Films Naoki Higashitarumizu; Shu Wang; Hyong Min Kim; Theodorus Jonathan Wijaya; Kyuho Lee
BPNX1034: pMUT Bone Age Sensing Nikita Lukhanin; Fan Xia; Megan Teng; Bo Jiang; Jean-Daniel Zanone
BPN803: Single Chip Mote Daniel Lovell; Titan Yuan; Yu-Chi Lin
BPN990: Anti-Drone Radar-Guided Micromissiles Titan Yuan; Carson Spoo; Cedric Murphy; Jenna Dickman; Asa Garner; Eric Yang
BPNX1017: 3D Printing of Functional Materials Zhen Wang
BPNX1031: Scalable Infrared Photodetectors based on Large-Grain Tellurium Film (New Project) Hyong Min Kim; Naoki Higashitarumizu
BPN993: Safe and Deformable Soft Batteries Peisheng He; Jongha Park
BPNX1019: 3D Printing of Piezoelectric Materials and their US Transducers & Sensor Applications Haotian Lu; Victor Couedel
BPNX1014: Data-Driven Design of Metamaterials Marco Maurizi; David Hahn; Anish Satpati; Desheng Yao
BPNX1013: 3D Printing of Architected Hydrophones Victor Couedel; Haotian Lu
BPNX1033: Multi-Objective Inverse Design of Impact Resistant Metamaterials Under Varying Strain Rates (New Project) Anish Satpati; Marco Maurizi
BPN953: Long-Term Drift of MEMS-Based Oscillators Xintian Liu; Kevin H. Zheng; Qiutong Jin
BPN955: AI-Powered Nanoplasmonic Biosensing Declan M. Fitzgerald; Kamyar Behrouzi
BPN997: Electromechanical Loss in Superconducting Qubits on Silicon Haoxin Zhou; Kadircan Godeneli; Zihuai Zhang; Kangdi Yu; Mutasem Odeh; Shahin Jahanbani
BPNX1001: Enhancing the Humidity Resistance of Chemiresistive Gas Sensors through Surface Functionalization Tzu Chiao Wei; Yaprak Ozbakir; HyoJun Min
BPNX1002: Atomically Dispersed Metals on Graphene Oxide for High-Performance Electrochemical Biosensors Yaprak Ozbakir; HyoJun Min
BPN972: Temperature-Insensitive Resonant Strain Sensor Xintian Liu; Kevin H. Zheng
BPNX1026: Strong, Tunable Mid-IR Emission from Black Phosphorous Ink Film Naoki Higashitarumizu; Hyong Min Kim; Shu Wang
BPN980: Spin-Photon Interfaces in Silicon Photonics Hanbin Song; Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang; Lukasz Komza; Niccolo Fiaschi; Yu-Lung Tang; Yiyang Zhi
BPN743: Highly Responsive pMUTs Peggy Tsao; Megan Teng; Hanxiao Liu; Yande Peng
BPNX1012: Optimization of Integrated Microlens Couplers for Wafer-Scale Packaging Sirui Tang; Jianheng Luo; Johannes Henriksson
BPNX1010: Foundry-Compatible Silicon Photonic MEMS Switch Arkadev Roy; Erik Anderson; Daniel Klawson; Yiyang Zhi; Sirui Tang
BPNX1004: Low Noise Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensing Device Ya-Chen (Justine) Tsai
BPN987: Single-chip µV Precision ADC for SCµM-V Yu-Chi Lin; Daniel Lovell; Ali M. Niknejad; Kristofer S.J. Pister
BPNX1035: Six-Axis Control of Electrostatically Levitated 1g Mass (New Project) Hani Gomez; Yichen Liu; Alexander Alvara
BPN996: Multiplexed Cavity-Enhanced Quantum Emitters in Silicon Lukasz Komza; Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang; Hanbin Song; Niccolo Fiaschi; Yiyang Zhi; Yu-Lung Tang
BPNX1036: Enhanced Gas Sensing with Machine Learning (New Project) Yuan Gao; Wei Yue
BPN941: Ultrasound-Induced Haptic Interface Fan Xia; Huicong Deng; Umut Can Yener; Wei Yue

Past BSAC Projects

Title Author Year
RSM33: MEMS Microlenses and Lenslets: Their Application to Shack-Hartmann Sensors Hyuck Choo 2006
BPN342: Cell trapping array for cell-cell communication research Liz Yir-shyuan Wu 2006
RTH/JDK3: Diatom-Inspired Microfluidic Generation of Tunable Emulsions for Macroporous Silica Frank J. Zendejas 2006
NT18: MEMS RF Switch with Liquid Gallium Contacts Qingquan Liu 2006
LPL41: Raised Lateral Patch Clamp Array Adrian Y. Lau; Paul J. Hung 2006
BPN318: SiGe Processing for the Fabrication of a Floating Electromechanical System (FLEMS) Gyroscope Marie-Ange Eyoum; David Garmire 2006
BPN322: Microfluidic Multiplexed Cytokine Secretion Assay David N. Breslauer; J. Tanner Nevill 2006
CFP1: Liquid Fueled MEMS Enabled 1.5cc Rotary Engine Power System (REPS) Andrew Cardes; Bennett Sprague; Sang-won Park; Chris McCoy; David C. Walther 2006
BPN327: Plastic Microsyringe Kathleen Fischer 2006
MCW7: Single-Chip MEMS-Based Optical Crossconnect Chao-Hsi Josh Chi 2006
MCW8: MEMS Endoscopic Lens-Based Optical Coherence Tomography Ki-Hun Jeong; Jingyi Chen; Jongbaeg Kim 2006
BPN353: Integration of MEMS switches and RF passive components Tommy Fujii; Dan McCormick 2006
BPN336: Tunable microdisk filters for DWDM optical network applications David Leuenberger; Jin Yao 2006
RTH29: Lateral-Mode NEMS Resonators Using Internal Electrostatic Transduction Hei Kam 2006
APP66: Piezoelectric MEMS for Resonator Applications Andrew S. Cardes; Philip J. Stephanou 2006
RTH35: Novel SiGe Processes for Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Resonators Carrie Low 2006
APP58: Nano-Gap Piezoelectric Resonators for RF Mechanical Magnetic Field Generation Carolyn White 2006
APP95: ARCTIC: A Rotary Compressor Thermally Insulated microCooler Josh Heppner 2006
NT25: VLSI MEMS Switch Qingquan Liu 2006
DAH4: Strain Sensors for Wind Turbines Bill Allan 2006
BPN348: Subterranean Wireless Sensor Network Ryan Xie; David Doolin; Valerie Zimmer; Michelle Ma 2006
BPN341: Plastic Energy Harvester YiinKuen Fuh 2006
APP77: MEMS Strain Gauge on Steel: Elastic Encapsulation Robert G. Azevedo 2006
RTH/JDK2: Biomimetic Nanofabrication of Silica Structures Based on Diatoms William J. Holtz 2006
APP85: A High Pressure Micro-Combustion Chamber for a Viscous Rotary Engine Power System Jose Rosario-Rosario 2006
BPN346: TFT Modeling for Single Transistor Sensors Ya-Mei Chen 2006
LWL16: On-Chip DNA Transformation by Local Heat Shock and Cell Cryopreservation Sha Li 2007
RMW28: Portable Monitor for Airborne Particles Justin Black 2007
BPN325: Microfluidic Device for Measuring Endothelial Permeability Peter White 2007
BPN313: Biologic Application Specific Integrated Circuits (BASICs) for the Selective Amplification of Cancer Cells and Harvesting Cancer Biomarkers Yolanda Zhang 2007
DL5: DNA Transport in Microfluidic Systems Shelly Gulati 2007
NT19: MEMS Microswitch for High-Voltage Applications Fabian Strong 2007
APP83: MEMS Strain Gauge on Steel - Miniaturization of Transduction Circuits Anand Jog; David Myers 2007
BPN339: Solid Propellant Micro-Thruster Erika Parra 2007
BPN347: Smart Flea Subramaniam Venkatraman 2007
KSJP31: 3nJ/bit 2.4GHz CMOS RF Transceiver Benjamin Cook 2007
BPN378: High-Density Spheroid Arrays for 3-D Liver Cell Culture and Secretion Analysis Mimi Zhang 2007
MCW9: Tunable SOI Microring Optical Modulator Sagi Mathai; Joanna Lai; Xin Sun 2007
NT12: Minimally Invasive MEMS Based Optical Coherence Tomography for in-vivo Imaging Daniel McCormick 2007
LPL31: Soft-state Biomicrofluidic Pulse Generator for Single Cell Analysis Poorya Sabounchi 2007
BPN381: SERS Signal Amplification by Optofluidic Photothermal Sample Preconcentration Hansang Cho 2007
BPN360: Biomimetic Microfluidic Assembly of Spheroids and Dynamic Perfusion for Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery Liz Wu 2007
RSM36: Selectively Addressed MEMS Digital-Mirror Arrays for Adaptive Optics Blake Lin 2007
BPN387: Modeling of Temperature Effects on Piezoresistor Sensitivity Zachary Lee 2007
BPN306: SiC TAPS: Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) Encapsulation Debbie G. Jones 2007
BPN376: High frequency optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) by optical injection locking Hyuk-Kee Sung; Erwin K. Lau 2007
RTH42: Nanowire-Coupled Resonators Noel Arellano 2007
MCW4: MEMS-Actuated Tunable Optical Microtoroidal Resonators Jin Yao 2007
APP56/OO: Thermally-induced residual stresses in MEMS sensors Bayram Orazov 2007
RM5/RTH: Silicon carbide process development and characterization for harsh-environment sensors Jingchun Zhang; Carlo Carraro 2007