
Title Author Year Publication type
Mitigating Humidity Interference in Chemiresistive Gas Sensors through Surface Functionalization Tzu-Chiao Wei 2024 Research Review Presentations
Mid-Air Acoustic Actuation by PMUTs Wei Yue 2024 Research Review Presentations
3D Printing of Architected Hydrophones Victor Couedel 2024 Research Review Presentations
Multimaterial Nanoscale Printing via Charged Nanoparticle Deposition Daniel Teal 2024 Research Review Presentations
A Compact Model to Control Resoswitch Squegging Kevin H. Zheng 2024 Research Review Presentations
Coherent Control of a Spin Qubit Register in Silicon Photonics Hanbin Song 2024 Research Review Presentations
A Novel 2D-3D Photonic Integrated Circuit for Scalable Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Daniel Klawson 2024 Research Review Presentations
Electronic-Photonic Ultrasound Receiver Array for Endoscopic Applications Sarika Madhvapathy 2024 Research Review Presentations
In-Sensor Visible to Mid-Infrared Spectral Machine Vision with van der Waals Photodetectors Dehui Zhang 2024 Research Review Presentations
BPN996: Multiplexed Cavity-Enhanced Quantum Emitters in Silicon Lukasz Komza; Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang; Hanbin Song; Niccolo Fiaschi; Yiyang Zhi; Yu-Lung Tang 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1018: Free Surface Investigation in Large-Area Projection Micro Stereolithography (New Project) David Hahn 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPN924: Multimodality Platform for Neurogenesis and Neural Signal Recording After Stroke Wentian Mi 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPN987: Single-chip µV Precision ADC for SCµM-V Yu-Chi Lin; Daniel Lovell; Ali M. Niknejad; Kristofer S.J. Pister 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1035: Six-Axis Control of Electrostatically Levitated 1g Mass (New Project) Hani Gomez; Yichen Liu; Alexander Alvara 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1010: Foundry-Compatible Silicon Photonic MEMS Switch Arkadev Roy; Erik Anderson; Daniel Klawson; Yiyang Zhi; Sirui Tang 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1004: Low Noise Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensing Device Ya-Chen (Justine) Tsai 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1009: Piezoelectric Silicon Photonic MEMS Switch Joseph Suh 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPNX1012: Optimization of Integrated Microlens Couplers for Wafer-Scale Packaging Sirui Tang; Jianheng Luo; Johannes Henriksson 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN743: Highly Responsive pMUTs Peggy Tsao; Megan Teng; Hanxiao Liu; Yande Peng 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN986: Integrated Microlens Coupler for Photonic Integrated Circuits Jianheng Luo; Johannes Henriksson 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPN955: AI-Powered Nanoplasmonic Biosensing Kamyar Behrouzi 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN972: Temperature-Insensitive Resonant Strain Sensor Xintian Liu; Kevin H. Zheng 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN984: Large-Area Processable Two-Dimensional Material Films Naoki Higashitarumizu; Shu Wang; Hyong Min Kim; Theodorus Jonathan Wijaya; Kyuho Lee 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1034: pMUT Bone Age Sensing Nikita Lukhanin; Fan Xia; Megan Teng; Bo Jiang; Jean-Daniel Zanone 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1033: Multi-Objective Inverse Design of Impact Resistant Metamaterials Under Varying Strain Rates (New Project) Anish Satpati; Marco Maurizi 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1017: 3D Printing of Functional Materials Zhen Wang 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1031: Scalable Infrared Photodetectors based on Large-Grain Tellurium Film (New Project) Hyong Min Kim; Naoki Higashitarumizu 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1001: Enhancing the Humidity Resistance of Chemiresistive Gas Sensors through Surface Functionalization Tzu Chiao Wei; Yaprak Ozbakir; HyoJun Min 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN990: Anti-Drone Radar-Guided Micromissiles Titan Yuan; Carson Spoo; Cedric Murphy; Jenna Dickman; Asa Garner; Eric Yang 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN980: Spin-Photon Interfaces in Silicon Photonics Hanbin Song; Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang; Lukasz Komza; Niccolo Fiaschi; Yu-Lung Tang; Yiyang Zhi 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1002: Atomically Dispersed Metals on Graphene Oxide for High-Performance Electrochemical Biosensors Yaprak Ozbakir; HyoJun Min 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1019: 3D Printing of Piezoelectric Materials and their US Transducers & Sensor Applications Haotian Lu; Victor Couedel 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1026: Strong, Tunable Mid-IR Emission from Black Phosphorous Ink Film Naoki Higashitarumizu; Hyong Min Kim; Shu Wang 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1014: Data-Driven Design of Metamaterials Marco Maurizi; David Hahn; Anish Satpati; Desheng Yao 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN993: Safe and Deformable Soft Batteries Peisheng He; Jongha Park 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN803: Single Chip Mote Daniel Lovell; Titan Yuan; Yu-Chi Lin 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1013: 3D Printing of Architected Hydrophones Victor Couedel; Haotian Lu 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1007: Surface Tension-Driven Liquid Metal Actuator Peisheng He; Zihan Wang; Wei Yue 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN953: Long-Term Drift of MEMS-Based Oscillators Xintian Liu; Kevin H. Zheng; Qiutong Jin 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN859: High Frequency Oscillator Characterization Qiutong Jin; Kevin H. Zheng; Xintian Liu; Kieran Peleaux; QianYi Xie 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPN997: Electromechanical Loss in Superconducting Qubits on Silicon Haoxin Zhou; Kadircan Godeneli; Zihuai Zhang; Kangdi Yu; Mutasem Odeh; Shahin Jahanbani 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1029: Multi-Mode Multi-Direction High-Resolution Tactile Haptics and Sensing Duo-Functional Device using Piezoelectric Metamaterial (New Project) William Dong; Zac Gwennap; Brandon Anthony; Cole Dunn 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN915: Control of Microrobots with Reinforcement Learning Yichen Liu; Kesava Viswanadha; Zhongyu Li; Emily Tan; Nelson Lojo; Derrick Han Sun; Aviral Mishra; Rushil Desai 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1028: Large Scale Synthesis of Optically Active Tellurium-Based Material (New Project) Shu Wang; Naoki Higashitarumizu 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN976: Fully-Integrated MEMS-Based Wireless Receiver Kevin H. Zheng; Qiutong Jin; Xintian Liu 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN735: Walking Silicon Microrobots Yichen Liu; Alexander Alvara; Daniel Lovell; Dang Le 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1025: In-Sensor Visible to Mid-Infrared Spectral Machine Vision Dehui Zhang; Jamie Geng; Shifan Wang; Hyong Min Kim 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPNX1003: Copolymer-Template Fabrication of Metal Oxides with Tailored Porosity toward High-performance Gas Sensors YoungJun Kim; HyoJun Min; Tzu-Chiao Wei; Yaprak Ozbakir; Carlo Carraro 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN992: Sensing and Actuation Applications Using Lithium Niobate PMUTs Wei Yue; Megan Teng 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)
BPN961: Integrated Photonics for Scalable Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Daniel Klawson; Yiyang Zhi; Arkadev Roy; Rohan Kumar 2024 BSAC Project Materials (Current)