Shahin Jahanbani

Job title: 
Graduate Student Researcher
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2029 (Anticipated)

Shahin Jahanbani is a Physics PhD student in the group of Alp Sipahigil at the University of California, Berkeley. His current research involves the development and characterization of quantum phononics platforms. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa with Special Departmental Honors in Physics and Highest Honors in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Texas at Austin, earning his BS in Physics, BS in Astronomy, and certificate in quantum information science. His undergraduate research involved the investigation of topological phononics, MEMS devices, and quantum materials with microwave impedance microscopy imaging techniques and studying novel quantum many-body phenomena with holographic quantum simulations.

Research interests: 

Projects & Publications

Shahin Jahanbani; Binhan Hua; Kadircan Godeneli; Haoxin Zhou; Zihuai Zhang
BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive), 2024
Haoxin Zhou; Kadircan Godeneli; Zihuai Zhang; Mutasem Odeh; Shahin Jahanbani
BSAC Project Materials (Current), 2024