Job title:
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)
PostDoc 2023-2024
Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University starting January 2025. She earned her B.Eng. with honors in Microelectronics Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2017 and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Caltech in 2023 supervised by Dr. Oskar Painter. Dr. Zhang then joined UC Berkeley as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, working with Dr. Alp Sipahigil in EECS and Physics.
Research interests:
Quantum devices and their applications, superconducting qubits, solid state spins, quantum light-matter interaction, metamaterials, quantum many-body dynamics, topological photonics, quantum information, quantum networking.