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Title Author Year Publication type
APP98: Thermal Analysis and Design of ARCTIC Cryo Cooler Christopher Hogue 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BEB19: Low-Power High-Performance Analog-to-Digital Converters Dimitrios Katsis 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
RTH46/JD: MEMS Resonator Simulation David Bindel; Emmanuel Quevy; Tsuyoshi Koyama; Wei He 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
LPL5: Microfluidic Cellular Manipulation - Single cell trapping arrays for quantitiative cell biology Dino Di Carlo 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
BPN331: Plastically Self-Alligned Micromirrors TeHsi Lee 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP89: Monolithic Piezoelectrically-Actuated MEMS Tunable VCSEL Benjamin Cheng; Mike Huang 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP45: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System / Engine Fluid Management System Brenda Haendler 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP67/CFP: Ignition at the Microscale for Miniaturized Internal Combustion Engines Bennett Sprague 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP43: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System (MEMS REPS) David Walther 2006 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
Massively Parallel Optical Manipulation of Single Cells, Micro- and Nano-particles on Optoelectronic Devices Pei-Yu Chiou; Ming C. Wu; Connie J. Chang-Hasnain; Luke P. Lee 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Optimized Fabrication of Ultra-Deep Reactive Ion Etched Silicon Components for the MEMS Rotary Engine Power System Fabian Martinez; Albert P. Pisano; A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello; Seth Sanders 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Localized Synthesis, Assembly and Application of Carbon Nanotubes Dane Christensen; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Alexander Zettl 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Characterization of Low-Fluence Excimer Laser Annealing of AlN Thin Films David Park; Albert P. Pisano 2005 Master's Thesis
Fabrication and Assembly of a 2.4mm Compressed Gas Rotary Expander Jose Rosario-Rosario; Albert P. Pisano; Dorian Liepmann 2005 Master's Thesis
Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride Vibrating RF MEMS for Radio Front-End Technology Gianluca Piazza; Albert P. Pisano; Roger T. Howe; Liwei Lin; Kristofer S.J. Pister 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Localized Synthesis, Assembly and Integration of Silicon Nanowires Ongi Englander; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Oscar D. Dubon 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Electronics for Resonant Sensors Kenneth Wojciechowski; Bernhard E. Boser; Liwei Lin; Roger T. Howe 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Pick and Place Silicon on Insulator Microassembly Matthew Last; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Ming C. Wu; Liwei Lin 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Electro Micro-Metrology Jason Clark; Kristofer S. J. Pister; James Demmel; Sanjay Govindje; Luke P. Lee 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Liquid Fuel Injection System for Mini-Scale Rotary Engines Sang-Won Park; Albert P. Pisano; A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello 2005 Master's Thesis
Resonant Circuits for MEMS Interfaces Baris Cagdaser; Bernhard E. Boser; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Liwei Lin; Roger T. Howe 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
MCW1: Optoelectronic Tweezers for Cell and Microparticle Manipulation Pei-Yu (Eric) Chiou 2005 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
LPL34: Single-Cell Electroporation Microchip Michelle Khine; Adrian Lau; Cristian Ionescu-Zanetti 2005 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
KSJP32: Incremental Network Programming Jaein Jeong 2005 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
RTH45: Synchronization and interaction of MEMS oscillators Peter Chen; Donovan Lee 2005 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)

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