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Title Author Year Publication type
Tape-Free, Digital Wearable Band for Exercise Sweat Rate Monitoring Manik Dautta; Luis Fernando Ayala-Cardona; Noelle Davis; Ashwin Aggarwal; Jonghwa Park; Shu Wang; Liam Gillan; Elina Jansson; Mikko Hietala; Hyunhyub Ko; Jussi Hiltunen; Ali Javey 2023 Journal Article
System Design of a Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetic Sensor Vashwar Rouf; David A. Horsley; Xiaoguang Liu; Rajeevan Amirtharajah 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Synthesis and Gas Sensing Properties of NiO/ZnO Heterostructured Nanowires Sikai Zhao; Yanbai Shen; Yong Xia; Aifei Pan; Zhou Li; Carlo Carraro; Roya Maboudian 2021 Journal Article
Synergy of Prediction and Control in Model-based Reinforcement Learning Nathan Lambert 2022 Ph.D. Dissertation
Surface Treatments for Adhesion Reduction in Polysilicon Micromechanical Devices Michael Robert Houston; Roya Maboudian; Roger T. Howe; David B. Graves 1996 Ph.D. Dissertation
Surface Micromachined Resonant Force Transducers Trey Roessig; Albert P. Pisano; George C. Johnson; Lisa Pruitt 1995 Master's Thesis
Surface Engineering for MEMS Reliability William Ashurst; Roya Maboudian; David B. Graves; Roger T. Howe 2003 Ph.D. Dissertation
Suppression of Oscillator Bias Voltage Phase Noise via MEMS Resonator Arraying Jeffrey Ni; Clark T.-C. Nguyen 2022 Master's Thesis
Subcutaneous and Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring by PMUTS in an Ambulatory Sheep Yande Peng; Sedat Pala; Zhichun Shao; Hong Ding; Jin Xie; Liwei Lin 2022 Conference Paper (Proceedings)
Structured and Parameter-Dependent Eigensolvers for Simulation-Based Design of Resonant MEMS David Samuel Bindel; James W. Demmel; Sanjay Govindje; William M. Kahan; Robert L. Taylor 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Strong Optical Injection Locking of Edge-Emitting Lasers and Its Applications Hyuk-Kee Sung; Ming C. Wu; Constance Chang-Hasnain; Costas P. Grigoropoulos 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Stencil-Printed Lithium-Ion Micro Batteries for IoT Applications Anju Toor; Albert Wen; Filip Maksimovic; Abhinav M. Gaikwad; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Ana C. Arias 2020 Journal Article
Stability, Sensitivity, and Selectivity of Graphene FET-based Gas Sensors Takeshi Hayasaka; Liwei Lin; Dorian Liepmann; Ana Claudia Arias 2019 Ph.D. Dissertation
Sputter Deposition of Piezoelectric Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films for Use in MEMS Sensors and Actuators Clifford Frederick Knollenberg; Timothy D. Sands; Richard M. White; Eugene, E. Haller 2001 Master's Thesis
SPICE Analysis of a Micro Gyro and Mixed Analog-Digital Sensor Interface Circuit Amit Burstein; Chand R. Viswanathan; Kristofer S.J. Pister; William H. Kaiser 1994 Master's Thesis
Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding of Silicon Carbide to Steel for High Temperature MEMS Sensor Packaging and Bonding Matthew Chan; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Junqiao Wu 2013 Ph.D. Dissertation
Solid State Electrochemical Sensors for Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Detection in Lean Exhaust Gases Jonathan Michael Rheaume; Albert P. Pisano; J. Karl Hedrick; Seth Sanders 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation
Solid Propellant Microrockets Dana Teasdale; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Albert P. Pisano 2000 Master's Thesis
Small Autonomous Robot Actuator (SARA): A Solar-powered Wireless MEMS Gripper Alex Moreno; Kristofer S.J. Pister 2021 Master's Thesis
Single-Pixel Reconstructive Mid-Infrared Micro-Spectrometer Kaichen Dong; Jiachen Li; Tiancheng Zhang; Fangda Gu; Yuhang Cai; Niharika Gupta; Ali Javey; Jie Yao; Junqiao Wu 2023 Journal Article