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Title Author Year Publication type
Thermally-Driven Angular Rate Sensors in Standard CMOS Michael Dean Pottenger 1995 Master's Thesis
Thermal Ground Plane for Chip-Level Electronics Cooling Hongyun So; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Tsu-Jae King Liu 2014 Ph.D. Dissertation
Thermal Applications of Microbridges Carlos Mastrangelo; Richard S. Muller 1990 Ph.D. Dissertation
Thermal and Electrostatic Microactuators Robert Conant; Richard S. Muller 2000 Master's Thesis
The Wankel Engine and Fuel-Flexibility: An Engine Performance Review John Réville; Albert P. Pisano; Carlos Fernandez-Pello 2009 Master's Thesis
The Optimal Kinematic Synthesis of Planar, Full Cycle, Constant-Velocity, Straight-Line Mechanisms Peter Hall Hodges; Albert P. Pisano 1991 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Motion of a Pointer Tip Driven by Two Linked Electrostatic Comb Drives Ronald Fox 1991 Master's Thesis
The Ionocraft: Flying Microrobots With No Moving Parts Daniel Drew; Kristofer S.J. Pister 2018 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Fracture Strength of Brittle Films for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Devices Peter Truxtun Jones; George C. Johnson; Roger T. Howe; Lisa A. Pruitt 1999 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Development of Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films for Piezoelectric Microactuators Annabel Susan Nickles; Eugene E. Haller; Richard M. White; Timothy D. Sands 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Design of Low Phase Noise MEMS Oscillators for Frequency References Manu Seth; Bernhard E. Boser; Roger T. Howe 2004 Master's Thesis
The Design and Implementation of Parametrically Amplified Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetometers Matt Thompson; David A. Horsley; Donald Margolis; Dean Karnopp 2010 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Design and Evaluation of Network Power Scheduling for Sensor Networks Barbara Hohlt; Eric A. Brewer; David E. Culler; Paul K. Wright 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
The Damping Mechanism in Single-Ended Tuning Fork Resonant Structures Gonnan K. Leung; Roger T. Howe 1995 Master's Thesis
Textile Supercapacitor for Wearable Energy Storage Dongwoo Shin; Liwei Lin; Samuel Mao 2018 Master's Thesis
Templated Dry Printing of Conductive Metal Nanoparticles David Rolfe; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Amy Herr 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Temperature-Insensitive Resonant Strain Sensor Xintian Liu; Qianyi Xie; Alper Ozgurluk; Clark T.-C. Nguyen 2022 Conference Paper (Proceedings)
Temperature-Insensitive Resonant Strain Sensor Xintian Liu 2022 Research Review Presentations
Temperature-Compensated Aluminium Nitride Lamb Wave Resonator Performance Study Damien Wittwer; Albert P. Pisano 2010 Master's Thesis
Technologies for Blood Diagnostics John Waldeisen; Luke P. Lee; Zev J. Gartner; Lee W. Riley 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation