Wireless, RF & Smart Dust

Research that includes:

  • Tuneable RF components: capacitors, inductors, transformers
  • RF microrelays
  • High frequency MEMS resonators: devices, structures, and processes

BPN607: Long-Term Stability in MEMS-Based Oscillators

Brian Pepin

The objective of this project is to accurately determine long-term frequency stability (i.e. frequency aging) of small-gap capacitive micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS)-based oscillators. This will be accomplished by creating a measurement setup where the oscillator is in a completely stabilized environment, the resonator is hermetically sealed into a clean enclosure, a “burn-in” is completed step to pre-age the device, and other precautions are taken as necessary for a detailed study of the aging process.

Project end date: 02/05/12

BPN613: High-Order UHF Micromechanical Filters

Turker Beyazoglu
Henry Barrow

The use of MEMS-based resonators for frequency filtering has been promising for achieving single- chip superheterodyne transceivers. For use in communications, filters having large out-of-band rejections and sharp rolloffs are required which necessitates their high-order implementation, yet filters having more than 3 resonators have not been achieved due to their high susceptibility of passband distorting effects. This project aims to realize higher order micromechanical filters to achieve better selectivity and stopband rejection at UHF range.

Project end date: ...

BPN477: OpenWSN: Open-Source Standards-Based Protocol Stacks for Wireless Sensor Networks

Thomas Watteyne

We are building a multi-platform, multi-operating system, fully standards-compliant interoperable wireless sensor network stack. Major standardization bodies have been looking at how wireless multi- hop networks should operate reliably (IEEE 802.15.4E, IETF RPL), how they can integrate within the Internet (IETF 6LoWPAN), and how utilities and end users should interact (OpenADR). All of these standards are being finalized. The OpenWSN project aims at federating these standards into a fully- functional protocol stack, at implementing these on a number of hardware and software platforms...

BPN369: HEaTS: AlN Narrowband RF Filters

Ernest Ting-Ta Yen

The long-term objective of this project is to realize self-temperature compensating narrow band filter bank for wireless communication systems. In this work, post-CMOS compatible aluminum nitride (AlN) RF Lamb wave resonators (LWR) are used as building blocks. LWR have the advantages of permitting multi-frequency devices with high Q (~3000) and low motional resistance (~100ohm). Different approaches including overhang adjustment are used to finely select the resonance frequency of LWR. Successful testing in high temperature up to 600C opens the potential applications of AlN resonator...

BPN542: New Materials for MEMS Resonators

Robert Schneider

New resonator structural materials will be explored to achieve GHz-frequency MEMS resonators having ultra-high quality factors (Q's) and antenna-amenable motional impedances. Materials having acoustic velocities greater than that of polysilicon, such as diamond and silicon carbide (SiC), will be used to fabricate devices having higher resonance frequencies and higher Q's than their polysilicon counterparts. Low-loss metals, including metal alloys, will be investigated to achieve low deposition temperatures and high electrical conductivities while nonetheless maintaining high Q's....

BPN624: The Internet of Things: IPv6 for Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks

Branko Kerkez
Fabien J. Chraim

The Internet of Things enables great applications, such as energy-aware homes or real-time asset tracking. With these networks gaining maturity, standardization bodies have started to work on standardizing how these networks of tiny devices communicate. We strongly believe IEEE802.15.4e TSCH is the most reliable and energy-efficient MAC protocol for low-power motes. The goal of this project is to provide open-source implementations of a complete protocol stack based on the finalized Internet of Things standards. This implementation can then help academia and industry verify the...

BPN630: Capacitive-Gap Micromechanical Local Oscillator At GHz Frequencies

Tristan O. Rocheleau
Thura Lin Naing

This project aims to build a MEMS-based on-chip reference oscillator at GHz frequencies. By constructing an array of capacitive transduced micromechanical resonators with extremely small capacitive gaps and high mechanical Q, in conjunction with a low-power CMOS ASIC amplifier, it becomes possible to achieve self-sustained oscillation in a die-level system. The high mechanical Q of these devices, which can reach an extraordinary >40,000 at frequencies up to 3GHz, allows the possibility for unprecedented phase noise performance. Many applications for such high-frequency, low phase-...

BPN696: Energy Monitoring for the Smart Building Using Low-Power Wireless Sensors

Kevin Weekly
Brittany Judoprasetijo

Future office spaces and buildings will collect energy consumption data from the electrical devices used by their occupants, from refrigerators to the humble cell phone charger. This goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the devices enabling dense measurement of energy consumption throughout the building. We have started developing two hardware platforms. First, we designed a sensor circuit board which can be quickly installed by placing it between a plug and the outlet. Our second design is a custom designed surge protector can measure six independent outlets as well as...

BPN700: Generation of Low Phase Noise mm-Waves

Nazanin Hoghooghi

There has been recent interest in low noise mm-wave signals for satellite data communication and RADAR. For these applications, close in to the carrier phase-noise performance is important. Several competing very-low-phase-noise oscillator technologies exist at lower microwave frequencies. All of these face difficulties in being extended up to the new bands of interest. We propose using an optical frequency comb generator together with an optical interleaver to up convert the low noise, low frequency microwave signal to the desired high frequency bands without increasing the phase...

BPN441: HEaTS: Temperature-Compensated & High-Q Aluminum Nitride Lamb Wave Resonators

Chih-Ming Lin

The long-range goal of this project is to develop aluminum nitride (AlN) Lamb wave resonators with high Q, small frequency-temperature drift, multiple frequencies, and CMOS compatibility on one single chip.

Project end date: 08/16/13