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Title Author Year Publication type
Micromirror Arrays for Adaptive Optics Michael Helmbrecht; Richard S. Muller 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
An SOI Process for Integrated Solar Power, Circuitry and Actuators for Autonomous Microelectromechanical Systems Colby Bellew; Albert P. Pisano 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrated Micromechanical Resonant Sensors for Inertial Measurement Systems Ashwin Seshia; Roger T. Howe; Bernhard E. Boser; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Roberto Horowitz 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrated Surface Micromachined Frame Microgyroscopes Moorthi Palaniapan; Roger T. Howe; Albert P. Pisano; Roberto Horowitz 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microsystems for Electrostatic Sensing Patrick Riehl; Richard S. Muller 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Ultrasonic Microdevices for Integrated On-Chip Biological Sample Processing George Dougherty; Timothy Sands; Eugene Haller; Albert P. Pisano 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
An Integrated MEMS Syringe for Advanced Drug Delivery: Design, Fabrication and Fluid Mechanics of Suspension Flow through Microneedle Arrays Boris Stoeber; Dorian Liepmann; Albert P. Pisano; Luke P. Lee 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Assembly and Molding Processes for Three-Dimensional Microfabrication Elliot Hui; Roger T. Howe; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Dorian Liepmann 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
A Multi-Stage Micro-Tangential Flow Filtration System for BioMEMS Applications Patrick Pak-Ho Leung; Dorian Liepmann; Luke P. Lee; Liwei Lin 2002 Master's Thesis
MEMS Based Capillary Pumped Loops for Integral Thermal Management Kip Pettigrew; Dorian Liepmann; Luke P. Lee; Ralph Grief 2002 Master's Thesis
Pressure Driven Microflow Through a Double-T Metering Section Luke Hunter; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin 2003 Master's Thesis
APP60: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System / 2.4 mm Engine Demonstration Unit Jack Yu 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP59: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System / Dynamic Fuel Evaporator System Chen-li Sun 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP50: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System / 1 mm Engine Design and Fabrication Kelvin Fu 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP49: MEMS Rotary Engine Power System / 2.4 mm Rotary Engine with Integrated Generator Aaron Knobloch 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP68: Plastic Injection Molded Microneedles Jonathan Fischer 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
LWL4: MEMS Sensor for Hard Disk Glide Test Jongbaeg Kim 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP54: MEMS Strain Gauge on Steel: Testing Localized Silicon-Steel Bonds Theodore Prescop 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
APP38: Microconnector Helen Holder 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
RSM35: MEMS barcode reader Rishi Kant 2003 BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)