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Title Author Year Publication type
MEMS-Actuated Carbon Fibers Rachel Zoll; Kristofer S.J. Pister 2019 Master's Thesis
MEMS-Based System for Particle Exposure Assessment Using Thin-Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators and IR/UV Optical Discrimination Justin Black; Richard M. White 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Metal Optics Based nanoLEDS: In Search of a Fast, Efficient, Nanoscale Light Emitter Michael Eggleston; Ming C. Wu; Eli Yablonovitch; Xiang Zhang 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Metal Oxide Heterostructure Nanowires for Gas Sensing Applications Sikai Zhao 2021 Research Review Presentations
Metal Oxides for Solid State Electronics: Transparent Electrodes, Photoanodes and Transistors Hyun Sung Park; Liwei Lin 2017 Ph.D. Dissertation
Metal-optic and Plasmonic Semiconductor-based Nanolasers Amit Lakhani; Ming C. Wu; Xiang Zhang; Eli Yablonovitch 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro Accelerometer Design with Digital Feedback Control Mark Lemkin; David M. Auslander; Bernhard E. Boser; Albert P. Pisano 1997 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro Chemical Vapor Deposition for the Synthesis of Nanomaterials Qin Zhou; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Ali Javey 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro-Columnated Loop Heat Pipe: The Future of Electronic Substrates Navdeep Singh Dhillon; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Omer Savas ̧; Ali Javey 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro-Fabricated Shells for Mechanical and Fluidic Interconnects Phillip Stupar; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Luke P. Lee 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro-Optical Devices for Communications and Beyond Meng-Hsiung Kiang; Kam Y. Lau; Richard S. Muller; Raymond Y. Chiao 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
MicroElectroMechanical Devices and Fabrication Technologies for Radio-Frequency Analog Signal Processing Darrin Young; Bernhard E. Boser; Robert G. Meyer; Albert P. Pisano 1999 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microengineered Platforms For Assessing Cell-Cell Communication and Single-Cell Influences on Adult Neural Stem Cell Fate Sisi (Siyu) Chen; Michel M. Maharbiz; David V. Schaffer; Henk Roelink; Zev Gartner 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfabricated Electrostatic Actuators for Magnetic Disk Drives David A. Horsley; Albert P. Pisano; Roberto Horowitz; Roger T. Howe 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfabricated Microneedles for Minimally Invasive Drug Delivery, Sampling and Analysis Jeffrey Zahn; Dorian Liepmann; Albert P. Pisano; Frank Tendick 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfabricated Parylene Microneedles and Pneumatic/Hydraulic Actuators for Use in Interventional, Transvascular Drug Delivery Kirk Seward; Albert P. Pisano; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Liwei Lin 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfabricated Silicon High Aspect Ratio Flexures for In-Plane Motion Christopher Guild Keller; Roger T. Howe; John W. Morris, Jr.; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Timothy D. Sands 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfiltration and Flexural Plate Wave Devices Pamela Caton; Richard M. White 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfluid Integrated Nano-Scale Biological Cell Probes Jesse Herrick; Albert P. Pisano; Luke P. Lee; Lydia L. Sohn 2004 Master's Thesis
Microfluidic Accumulator Driven by Capillary Forces Eric Hobbs; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Roya Maboudian 2003 Master's Thesis