
Title Author Year Publication type
Wafer-Level Integrated Microlens Couplers for Efficient and Scalable Photonic Circuit I/O Jianheng Luo; Ming C. Wu 2024 Ph.D. Dissertation
All-Mechanical Receivers Ruonan Liu 2019 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micromachined Silicon Ultrasonic Longitudinal Mode Actuators: Theory and Applications to Surgery, Pumping, and Atomization Amit Lal; Richard M. White 1996 Ph.D. Dissertation
An SOI Based, Fully Integrated Fabrication Process for High-Aspect-Ratio Microelectromechanical Systems Timothy Brosnihan; Albert P. Pisano; Roger T. Howe; David Dornfeld 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
Modularly Integrated MEMS Technology Marie-Ange Eyoum; Tsu-Jae King; Roger T. Howe; Sanjay Govindje 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Optoelectronic Manipulation, Assembly, and Patterning of Nanoparticles Arash Jamshidi; Ming C. Wu; Constance Chang-Hasnain; Liwei Lin 2009 Ph.D. Dissertation
Nonlinear Effects in High-Q Disk Resonator Gyroscopes Sarah Nitzan; David A. Horsley; Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn; Sanjay Joshi 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
A Micromechanical Frequency-Selective Power Amplifier Wei-Chang Li; Clark T.-C. Nguyen; Elad Alon; Roya Maboudian 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Ultra-Low Power Wireless Technologies for Sensor Networks Brian Otis; Jan Rabaey; Roger T. Howe 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Copper Oxide by Thermal Oxidation for Electrochemical Cells and Gas Sensors Kevin Limkrailassiri; Liwei Lin; Costas Grigoropoulos; Roya Maboudian 2013 Ph.D. Dissertation
SIlicon Photonic Devices for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits Jason Tien; Ming C. Wu; Constance Chang-Hasnain; Xiang Zhang 2009 Ph.D. Dissertation
An Implantable Radiation Detector for Cancer Radiotherapy Kyoungtae Lee; Michel Maharbiz 2023 Ph.D. Dissertation
Co-planar Optoelectrowetting (OEW) Device for Droplet Manipulation Jodi Loo 2020 Ph.D. Dissertation
Effect of Devitrification Temperature on the Microstructure of NiTi Films Michael Vestel; Ronald Gronsky; Albert P. Pisano 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation
Tunable Inductive Microelectromechanical Devices Actuated by Linear Vibromotor and the Reliability of Microchannels Wen-Pin Shih; Norman C. Tien 2004 Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrated-Circuit-Compatible Electret and Condenser Ultrasonic Transducers Jonathan Bernstein; Richard M. White 1983 Ph.D. Dissertation
Controlled Structure Release for Silicon Surface Micromachining David Monk; David S. Soane; Roger T. Howe; David B. Graves 1993 Ph.D. Dissertation
Effects of Abrupt Changes in Microfluidic Geometry on Complex Biological Fluid Flows Shelly Gulati; Dorian Liepmann; Susan J. Muller; Andrew J. Szeri; David Saloner; David Trebotich 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Carbon Nanotube-based MEMS Energy Storage Devices Yingqi Jiang; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Constance Chang-Hasnain 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation
Mechanical Energy Storage for Self-Destructing Motes and Jumping Microrobots Joseph Greenspun; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Vivek Subramanian; Liwei Lin 2018 Ph.D. Dissertation
Applied Estimation of Mobile Environments Kevin Weekly; Alexandre M. Bayen; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Costas J. Spanos; Steven D. Glaser 2014 Ph.D. Dissertation
Environmental Gas Sensing With High Surface Area Nanomaterials on a Low-power Microfabricated Heater Platform Anna Harley-Trochimczyk; Roya Maboudian; David B. Graves; Liwei Lin 2016 Ph.D. Dissertation
Design Considerations for CMOS-Integrated Hall-effect Magnetic Bead Detectors for Biosensor Applications Karl Skucha; Bernhard E. Boser; Ming C. Wu; Luke P. Lee 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation
Bubble-Actuated Planar Microvalves Alexandros Papavasiliou; Albert P. Pisano; Dorian Liepmann; Luke P. Lee 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
MEMS Microbial Fuel Cells and Photosynthetic Electrochemical Cells Kien-Bang Lam; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Kevin E. Healy 2005 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micromechanisms Using Sidewall Beams Michael Judy; Roger T. Howe 1994 Ph.D. Dissertation
Ultrasonic Microtransport Richard M. Moroney III; Richard M. White 1995 Ph.D. Dissertation
Silicon Carbide and Diamond Materials Development for Micro- and Nano-Electromechanical Systems Jingchun Zhang; Roya Maboudian; Roger T. Howe; David B. Graves; Albert P. Pisano 2007 Ph.D. Dissertation
Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding of Silicon Carbide to Steel for High Temperature MEMS Sensor Packaging and Bonding Matthew Chan; Albert P. Pisano; Liwei Lin; Junqiao Wu 2013 Ph.D. Dissertation
Low Power, Crystal-Free Design for Monolithic Receivers Brad Wheeler; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Ali M. Niknejad; Steven D. Glaser 2019 Ph.D. Dissertation
Towards a Synthesizable Standard-Cell Radio Richard Su; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Jan Rabaey; Paul Wright 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation
Assays and Tools for Biomolecular Analysis in Remote and Low-Resource Settings Richard Henrikson; Luke P. Lee 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrated Low-Power Wireless Systems for the Next Generation of IoT, Sensors and Microrobots Alex Moreno; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Ali Niknejad 2023 Ph.D. Dissertation
Reconfigurable Micromechanical Filters Jalal Naghsh Nilchi 2019 Ph.D. Dissertation
Silicon Electromechanical Microgrippers: Design, Fabrication, and Testing Chang-Jin Kim; Albert P. Pisano; Richard S. Muller 1991 Ph.D. Dissertation
Design and Fabrication of PZT-Actuated Silicon Suspensions for Hard Disk Drives Tsung-Lin Chen; Roberto Horowitz; Roger T. Howe; Albert P. Pisano 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfluidic Technologies for Single Cell Analysis Dino Di Carlo; Luke P. Lee; Jay T. Groves; Tejal A. Desai 2006 Ph.D. Dissertation
Readout Techniques for High-Q Micromachined Vibratory Rate Gyroscopes Chinwuba Ezekwe; Bernhard E. Boser; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Roberto Horowitz 2007 Ph.D. Dissertation
System Design of a Lorentz Force MEMS Magnetic Sensor Vashwar Rouf; David A. Horsley; Xiaoguang Liu; Rajeevan Amirtharajah 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Optofluidic Devices for Droplet and Cell Manipulation Shao Ning Pei; Ming C. Wu; Michel M. Maharbiz; Amy Herr 2015 Ph.D. Dissertation
Microfluidic Modules for Enabling Point-of-Care Biopsy-based Cancer Diagnostics Debkishore Mitra; Luke P. Lee; Shuvo Roy; Lee W. Riley 2013 Ph.D. Dissertation
High-Performance FMCW LiDAR with MEMS Optical Beam Scanner Xiaosheng Zhang; Ming C. Wu 2023 Ph.D. Dissertation
Low-Loss and Nonlinear Silicon-Based Integrated Photonic Circuits Jean-Etienne Tremblay 2020 Ph.D. Dissertation
Miniature-Scale and Micro-Scale Rotary Internal Combustion Engines for Portable Power Systems Kelvin Fu; A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello; Albert P. Pisano; Kristofer J. Pister; Dorian Liepmann 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation
High-Order ΣΔ Interface for Micromachined Inertial Sensors Vladimir Petkov; Bernhard E. Boser; Roger T. Howe; Roberto Horowitz 2004 Ph.D. Dissertation
Design, Theory, and Applications of Integrable Carrier-Domain Magnetometers Juan Goicolea; Richard S. Muller 1986 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micromechanical Power Conversion J. Mark Noworolski; Seth Sanders; Roger T. Howe; Albert P. Pisano 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
Integrated MEMS Tuning Fork Oscillators for Sensor Applications Trey Roessig; Albert P. Pisano; Kameshwar Poolla; Roger T. Howe 1998 Ph.D. Dissertation
Micro Chemical Vapor Deposition for the Synthesis of Nanomaterials Qin Zhou; Liwei Lin; Albert P. Pisano; Ali Javey 2011 Ph.D. Dissertation
Walking Silicon: Actuators and Legs for Small-Scale Terrestrial Robots Daniel Contreras; Kristofer S.J. Pister; Michel M. Maharbiz; Liwei Lin 2018 Ph.D. Dissertation