Parametric oscillation provides another avenue to excite micro electro-mechanical resonators into oscillation. Rather than driving the resonator at its resonant frequency, modulating the stiffness of the resonator forces this motion. While this technique can lead to failures, it also can provide methods for frequency division, phase noise reduction, and sustaining oscillations of various frequency with a single amplifier. This work models the voltage conditions for parametric oscillation and compares them to measured results with an accuracy of 15%. Discrepancies caused by assumptions of the driving signal and measurement noise cause the difference between the theoretical and experimental results. Additionally, this work characterizes the frequency conditions for parametric oscillation. By sweeping the frequency from high to low and low to high, the driving frequencies that cause parametric oscillation are determined. This work also investigates a shorting failure mode caused by a large driving signal that decreases the quality factor of the device.
Publication date:
December 14, 2018
Publication type:
Master's Thesis
Nguyen, T-P. (2018). Parametric Oscillation with Wineglass Disk Resonators. United States: University of California, Berkeley.
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