Michel M. Maharbiz (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Michel M. Maharbiz

Bochao Lu

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Michel M. Maharbiz (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2019

Alyssa Zhou

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Michel M. Maharbiz (Advisor)
Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2020

Konlin Shen

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Michel M. Maharbiz (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2020

BPN452: Patterned Delivery and Expression of Gene Constructs into Zebrafish Embryos using Microfabricated Interfaces

Tushar Bansal

We present the design, fabrication and results of microfabricated interfaces for the patterned delivery of foreign molecules via electroporation into developing embryos. We show how these systems can be used to ‘draw’ two-dimensional patterns of tracer molecules, DNA and mRNA into the yolk and cells of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) at different stages of development. We demonstrate the successful delivery of two-dimensional patterns of trypan blue (normal dye), texas red (fluorescent dye), pCS2eGFP DNA and GFP-mRNA in both chorionated and dechorionated embryos. Both DNA and...

BPN478: Synthetic Microbial Pattern Formation Modulated by a Chemical Micro-interface

Taesung Kim

We develop a technique for producing synthetic microbial patterns by means of direct activation and inactivation of gene expression in an initially homogenous population of cells using a microfluidic chemical interface system. A strain of E. coli was engineered such that the presence of the membrane diffusible molecule acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) activates the production of more AHL, thereby creating a positive feedback loop. Since the half-life of AHL decreases in high pH solutions, this feedback loop can be inhibited in a specific area by modulating the local pH using a...

BPN450: A Microsystem for Sensing and Patterning Oxidative Microgradients During Cell Culture

Jaehyun Park

We present a microsystem capable of electrochemically patterning dissolved oxygen gradients during cell cultures. Multiple electrodes in an array each generate distinct amounts of dissolved oxygen via electrolysis; these different sources superimpose to generate one- and two-dimensional microgradient profiles not possible with other methods. We believe this is the first technology that enables researchers to pattern localized oxygen doses and program arbitrary oxygen gradients with microscale resolution during cell culture.

Project end date: 02/03/10

BPN500: Inkjet Interfaces for Controlling Biological Pattern Formation

Daniel Cohen

We have successfully adapted a consumer-grade inkjet printer for use as a means of controlling spatio-temporal gene expression in 2D cell culture. Specifically, we take advantage of a high-resolution printer designed to print on the surface of CDs. By modifying CD surfaces to contain customized Petri dish wells, we are able to culture E. coli in the wells and print various morphogens onto the surface of the culture. By varying the geometry of printed patterns of lactose and glucose we have demonstrated spatiotemporal control over the genetic activity of the lac operon. Having...

BPN521: Passive Wireless Transducers for a Distributed High Density Neural Interface

Peter Ledochowitsch

In this project we are striving to develop biocompatible passive micro-scale transducers which are able to measure transient extracellular ion concentrations and transmit them at microwave frequencies. We are interested in fabricating implantable MEMS devices which shift their resonant frequency whenever a nearby neuron fires. When implanted up to 2 mm deep into the brain cortex, we expect these devices to enable next-generation distributed neural interfaces featuring not only superior spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular action potentials but also robust long-term...

BPN553: Interactive Materials for Biofabrication

Daniel J. Cohen

Nearly all medical implants and tissue engineered structures (i.e. lab-grown organs) are implanted or grown in a manner where it is difficult to non-destructively assess performance or progress and to make adjustments on the fly. For instance, suppose we wish to engineer a vascular graft to repair a damaged coronary blood vessel. In this case, we would start by taking a scaffold material shaped like a blood vessel and then coating it with endothelial and smooth muscle cells. We would then 'grow' the structure in a bioreactor for a fixed period of time and then implant it into the...

BPN610: Measuring Contractile Force in Engineered Muscle via Percolation Strain Gauges

Daniel J. Cohen

The Technology: I am developing a new kind of piezoresistive strain sensor capable of sustaining strains up to at least 25% and with a gauge factor far greater than that found in traditional resistive gauges. The sensor is designed as an elastomer-nanotube composite that deliberately avoids the major failure modes of traditional resistive strain gauges. In addition to improved elasticity and sensitivity, this type of sensor can be shaped into nearly any configuration and embedded in a variety of polymers. These attributes are particular important given that the application is to...