Liwei Lin (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Liwei Lin

Lin Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

ChiaMeng Chen

Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2013

Ethan Chen

Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2008

Cullen Buie

Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2009

Jin Woo Bae

Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2019

Microfluidic Microbial Fuel Cells for Microstructure Interrogations

Erika Parra
Liwei Lin
Carlos Fendandez-Pello
John D. Coates

The breakdown of organic substances to retrieve energy is a naturally occurring process in nature. Catabolic microorganisms contain enzymes capable of accelerating the disintegration of simple sugars and alcohols to produce separated charge in the form of electrons and protons as byproducts that can be harvested extracellularly through an electrochemical cell to produce electrical energy directly. Bioelectrochemical energy is then an appealing green alternative to other power sources. However, a number of fundamental questions must be addressed if the technology is to become...

MEMS Resonant Strain Sensor Integration

David Myers
Albert P. Pisano
Liwei lin
Andrew Neureuther

Despite commercial availability since the 1950’s, silicon strain sensors have not experienced the same success as other microdevices, such as accelerometers, pressure sensors, and inkjet heads. Strain sensors measure mechanical deformation and could be used in many structural components, improving safety, controls, and manufacturing tolerances. This thesis examines major strain sensing techniques and highlights both advantages and disadvantages of each. MEMS resonant strain gauges are identified to have superior performance over many traditional strain gauges in terms of sensitivity...

High-Q Aluminum Nitride RF MEMS Lamb Wave Resonators and Narrowband Filters

Ernest Ting-Ta Yen
Albert P. Pisano
Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Liwei Lin
Richard M. White

The increasing demands for higher performance, advanced wireless and mobile communication systems have continuously driven device innovations and system improvements. In order to reduce power consumption and integration complexity, radio frequency (RF) microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonators and filters have been considered as direct replacements for off-chip passive components. In this dissertation, a new radio architecture for direct channel selection is explored. The primary elements in this new architecture include a multitude of closely-spaced narrowband filters (...

Thin Film Encapsulation Methods for Large Area MEMS Packaging

Armon Mahajerin
Liwei Lin
Dorian Liepmann
Tsu-Jae King Liu

The past thirty years have seen rapid growth in products and technologies based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). However, one of the limiting factors in commercializing MEMS devices is packaging, which can be the most costly step in the manufacturing process. A MEMS package must protect the movable parts of the device while allowing it to interact with its surroundings. In addition, the miniaturization of sensors and actuators has made it possible to integrate MEMS fabrication with that of integrated circuit (IC) processing. Due to the varying requirements for different...

Cellular Mechanotransduction via Microfabricated Post Arrays

Adrienne Higa
Liwei Lin
Song Li
Dorian Liepmann

Substrate-based biophysical cues, which interact with cells through mechanotransductive pathways, influence many biological processes and cellular behaviors. By leveraging microfabrication techniques, this work aims to build biophysical stimuli into cellular substrates through discrete microtopographic features to study cellular responses. Here, uniform and gradient arrays of circular microposts have been geometrically tuned to change the apparent rigidity of a substrate and the placement of available cellular attachment sites. Three areas of cellular interaction with these micropost...

Nanomaterial Synthesis and Integration for Sensor and Energy Applications

Heather Chiamori
Liwei Lin
Samuel S. Mao
John Clarke
Oscar D. Dubo ́n

Nanostructures have unique properties that will be leveraged for next generation sensor and energy applications: large surface-to-volume ratios, increased sensitivity at lower input power levels, and higher current densities all contribute to increased functionality of nano- structure devices. The synthesis and integration of carbon-, metal-, and metal oxide-based nanostructures for sensor and energy applications are studied with the goal of nano-to-micro devices utilizing well-established micro- and nano-fabrication tools and techniques: (1) self- assembled, integrated carbon...