This dissertation presents a hierarchical, intuitive, and technology agnostic procedure for designing RF channelselect filters, followed by an actual demonstration solidly confirming the validity of the design method. Two distinct methods then follow that aim to increase the resonator electromechanical coupling coefficient, which substantially improves the functionality of the demonstrated filter for future applications, e.g., ones that require higherorder with sharper rolloff characteristics and less passband ripple. To increase functionality even further, the remaining chapters of this thesis introduce a fabrication and postprocessing method using CMOScompatible ruthenium metal that allows integration of micromechanical devices, such as the aforementioned RF filters atop CMOS.
Publication date:
January 31, 2020
Publication type:
Ph.D. Dissertation
Ozgurluk, A. (2020). High-Q Strong Coupling Capacitive-Gap Transduced RF Micromechanical Resonators. United States: University of California, Berkeley.