BPN712: Bridging Research-to-Commercialization Gaps In an Industry/University Ecosystem


Some BSAC members have, in our surveys and at IAB meetings, vocalized that we need to help bridge commercialization gaps and increase the speed of commercialization. Traditional University research commercialization paths through passive licensing to start-ups, are often highly successful and will remain the dominant path. But such paths do not leverage the sophisticated manufacturing, marketing, and sales channels of our larger Industrial members who could rapidly exploit certain research discoveries. While any such commercialization facilitation programs cannot compromise the fundamental research mission of the Center, new proactive development models are sought. This project and the new model involves joint efforts of multiple Industrial members with specialized or focused non-University agents (intermediaries) who can facilitate the transition from laboratory proof of concept vehicles to precommercial prototypes to commercial production. The intermediaries provide boundary spanning between university research and commercialization, including active participation in formalized multi- industrial participant university-based research projects with specific transition plans to industrial partners.

Project end date: 08/25/15

John Huggins
Hossain M. Fahad
Hiroshi Shiraki
Publication date: 
February 23, 2015
Publication type: 
BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
PREPUBLICATION DATA - ©University of California 2015

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