Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister

Pister Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

Rotary Inchworm Motor for Underwater Microrobot Propulsion

Mauricio J. Bustamante
Michel M. Maharbiz
Kristofer S. J. Pister

Swimming microrobots have significant potential for biomedical applications and distributed sensing. To date, most work has relied on external fields for control control. To achieve au- tonomy, locally controllable propulsion mechanisms must be developed. This thesis presents an rotary inchworm motor designed to drive an artificial flagellum, inspired by bacterial flagellar motors found in nature. The design adapts electrostatic gap closing actuators with angled arms for rotational motion. The devices are fabricated in an SOI process with a bonded lid featuring through-wafer vias as a...

Multimaterial Nanoscale Printing via Charged Nanoparticle Deposition

Daniel Teal
Kristofer S.J. Pister

Microfabrication, the set of manufacturing techniques used to make computer chips, displays, MEMS, and other devices, is famously difficult, slow, and capital equipment heavy. In this dissertation we propose a much simpler path toward rapid prototyping of microfabricated devices by deposition of nanoparticles in vacuum.

We will discuss generation of nanoparticles of standard microfabrication materials such as metals, oxides, and semiconductors, as well as methods to manipulate these as aerosols in low-pressure gas, culminating in a demonstration of multimaterial printing. We will...

Daniel Teal

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2024

EECS PhD student under Prof. Kristofer Pister; previously earned a BS mechanical engineering / math from the University of Texas at Austin. Studies MEMS and microfabrication. Interested in making microfabrication faster and easier.

Daniel Lovell

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2028 (Anticipated)

Daniel Lovell attended the University of North Georgia and the U.S. Naval Academy before a hiatus to pursue research in industry. During this time, he worked on software and systems for optoelectronics, and developed new applications for optical MEMS in programmable light systems, MEMS mirror-based lidar, robot vision, and human-robot-interaction.

Daniel received his B.A. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2022. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in EECS there, with a focus on integrated circuit design.


Alexander Alvara Awarded the 2021 Space Science Lab's Lin Fellowship

July 16, 2021

Please join BSAC in congratulating Alexander Alvara of the Pister group on being awarded the 2021 Space Science Lab's Lin Fellowship.

Alexander is a doctoral student in the Berkeley mechanical engineering department working with Dr. Andrew J. Westphal and the Berkeley Autonomous Microsystems (BAM) Laboratory on the study of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) such as asteroids and comets and is working on new low-cost methods for image and sample retrieval. He is designing, developing, and manufacturing...

BSAC's Best: Fall 2024 Awards Announced

September 19, 2024

BSAC is pleased to announce the outstanding paper and presentation award recipients from the Fall 2024 Research Review on September 18th. The Industrial Advisory Board was highly impressed by the quality of research, and the recipients’ work stood out in a competitive field.

We sincerely thank all the researchers who presented their innovative projects. These contributions are key to advancing research and fostering collaboration between academia and industry.

After careful evaluation, BSAC Industrial Members have voted, and we congratulate the Fall 2024 Best of BSAC honorees...

BPN951: Berkeley Low-cost Interplanetary Solar Sail (BLISS)

Alexander Alvara
Bhuvan M. Belur

Space exploration often costs multiple millions of dollars for each exploratory mission to get a single piece of equipment into orbit. These missions usually return information in the form of scans or images or samples in the form of extracted material. This work proposes the manufacture and deployment of thousands of imaging capable solar sails systems with 10 gram payloads. Power generation is enabled through solar panels and batteries. Navigation is enabled through one square meter solar sails maneuvered by inchworm motors. Communications are enabled by laser transmitters and SPAD...

Amanda Jung

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2029 (Anticipated)

Hani Gomez

Postdoctoral Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2020, PostDoc 2024

Originally from Cochabamba, Bolivia, Hani obtained her BS in Electrical Engineering at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. In 2020, Hani graduated with a PhD from UC Berkeley, where she focused on the design, fabrication and assembly of walking silicon microrobots using MEMS technology. Now, she is once again working with Kristofer Pister, developing a six-axis controlled, electrostatically levitated 1g mass system.