BPN557: MEMS-Based Biological Platform for Cell-to-Cell Interaction Characterization


This project seeks and explores novel biological platform to study cell to cell interaction based on MEMS technology. Electrochemical and other surface treatment schems are used to enable switching the surface from cell fouling to cell non-fouling and vice versa. Optical transparancy of the whole device will be achieved for enhanced visual observation and electrical conductance of the device will be added for further electrical analysis such as impedance analaysis. Scaling down to single cell level study will be explored in the future device design and understanding sub- cellular cellular interaction is expected to be studied.

Project end date: 01/26/11

Publication date: 
August 10, 2010
Publication type: 
BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
PREPUBLICATION DATA - ©University of California 2010

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