Kristofer S.J. Pister (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Kristofer S.J. Pister

Pister Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

BPN789: Reconfigurable, Wearable Sensors to Enable Long-Duration Circadian Biomedical Studies

David C. Burnett

The last 10 years have seen the emergence of wearable personal health tracking devices as a mainstream industry; however, they remain limited by battery lifetime, specific sensor selection, and a market motivated by a focus on short- term fitness metrics (e.g., steps/day). This hampers the development of a potentially much broader application area based on optimization around biomedical theory for long- term diagnostic discovery. As new biometric sensors come online, the ideal platform enabling the gathering of long-term diagnostic data would have the built-in extensibility to allow...

BPN810: Non-Intrusive Wireless Current Metering of Standard Power Cables Using Vector Magnetic Field Measurements

Naing Ye Aung
Michael C. Lorek

The goal of this project is to design a non-intrusive meter that can accurately measure the current in a standard electric power cable such as an extension cord or lamp cord by monitoring the vector magnetic field around it. Standard ’non-intrusive’ current meters either require the conductors to be separated and a single conductor inserted through a magnetic loop-based current transformer, or use an external magnetic field sensor and knowledge of the relative geometry of the wires and sensor. The net flux surrounding a standard power cable is zero because there is no net current in...

BPN823: Automated System for Assembling a High-Density Microwire Neural Recording Array

Travis L. Massey

Assembly at the microscale involves manipulation of one or more components relative to another in order to create a microstructure or device composed of these two or more components that would be difficult or impossible to monolithically fabricate. One specific class of problems that is well suited to microassembly rather than microfabrication is the creation of very high aspect ratio out-of-plane microstructures. As size and complexity of these out-of-plane microstructures grows, it becomes compelling if not necessary to automate the device assembly. To this end, we are developing...

BPN744: Self-Destructing Silicon

Joseph Greenspun
Osama Khan
Travis Massey
Brad Wheeler
Ryan Shih

Funded under the DARPA Vanishing Programmable Resources (VaPR) program, this project explores the fundamental issues associated with making wireless sensor nodes disappear after achieving an objective. The MEMS Hammer is a micromachined device capable of storing mechanical energy and delivering that energy to a target. It has been used to fracture other microfabricated structures made of silicon and silicon dioxide. The MEMS Hammer is capable of storing a wide range of energies with the upper limit exceeding 10uJ. These devices have been characterized to determine the tradeoffs among...

BPN573: Fabrication and Microassembly of a High-Density Carbon Fiber Neural Recording Array

Travis L. Massey
Jason F. Hou

We present a 32-channel carbon fiber monofilament-based intracortical neural recording array fabricated through a combination of bulk silicon microfabrication processing and microassembly. This device represents the first truly two-dimensional carbon fiber neural recording array. The five-micron diameter fibers are spaced at a pitch of 38 microns, four times denser than the state of the art one-dimensional arrays. The fine diameter of the carbon fiber microwires affords both minimal cross-section and nearly three orders of magnitude greater lateral compliance than standard tungsten...

BPN899: Design of a MEMS Swimming Robot

Ryan M. Shih

Microrobots produced from MEMS-level manufacturing have the potential to explore areas that are otherwise difficult to reach. This project seeks do develop a swimming robot that can navigate submerged environments with speeds comparable to biological specimens of similar size. Biomimetic design methods are considered for the method of locomotion.

Project end date: 01/29/19

BPN950: Self-Righting for Micro Robots

Alexander Alvara
Hani Gomez

In developing micro-robots for exploration in non-uniform terrain, it is often the case that robots fall over. This work seeks to provide a solution in the self-righting of autonomous micro- robots to overturn a 1cc, 1 gram cube microrobot with regular octahedral symmetry that has fallen on either of its four sides and overturning said microrobot once upside down. Here, a slider 3- bar linkage is used in conjunction with MEMS inchworm motors, capable of producing approx 15uN force output, to sweep the lifting arm and push the cube microrobot to be...

BPN916: Mesh-Networked Micro-Air-Vehicle Systems

Brian G. Kilberg

The goal of this project is to develop mesh-networked multi-agent robotic systems that can improve connectivity in network-adverse conditions. Mesh-networking enables longer communication range for multi- MAV systems with limited radio power and provides scalable peer-to-peer communications. This system is based on OpenWSN, which is an open-source implementation of the 6TiSCH networking protocol, whose underlying technology has been successful in mesh networks for industrial process automation. These successful mesh- networking technologies were originally intended...

BPN903: Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks

Brian Kilberg
Craig B. Schindler
Felipe Campos

As the size, cost, power, and communication latency of wireless sensor nodes continues to decrease, wireless sensor networks have the potential to be used in a variety of new and interesting ways. In this project we aim to demonstrate applications and use cases that are possible with small, low power, and low latency networks; for example, collecting high-resolution personal telemetry via products with embedded sensor networks, networked autonomous robotic systems, smart buildings, and industrial process control. While this project utilizes custom 15mmx15mm wireless sensor...

Xenon Difluoride Etching of Silicon for MEMS

Floy I-Jung Chang
Kristofer S.J. Pister

Xenon difluoride (XeF2) is a dry, isotropic gas-phase etchant which gently etches silicon at room temperature. Silicon dioxide and photoresist can be used as mask materials for XeF2 etching. XeF2 is also extremely selective to many metals, including...