Research that includes:

  • Immunosensors
  • Single Cell Analysis
  • Cell Manipulation and Probing
  • SERS BioImaging
  • Micro Total Analysis Systems uTAS
  • DNA Transformations
  • Cell Cryropreservation
  • Optoelectronic Transport & Tweezers

BPN500: Inkjet Interfaces for Controlling Biological Pattern Formation

Daniel Cohen

We have successfully adapted a consumer-grade inkjet printer for use as a means of controlling spatio-temporal gene expression in 2D cell culture. Specifically, we take advantage of a high-resolution printer designed to print on the surface of CDs. By modifying CD surfaces to contain customized Petri dish wells, we are able to culture E. coli in the wells and print various morphogens onto the surface of the culture. By varying the geometry of printed patterns of lactose and glucose we have demonstrated spatiotemporal control over the genetic activity of the lac operon. Having...

BEB17: Fully Integrated Immunosensor

Octavian Florescu

The long range goals are to develop and verify diagnostic assays for infectious diseases currently presenting significant threats to public health, including Dengue, Malaria, and HIV. We intend to demonstrate improved protocol simplicity compared to ELISA, the current immunoassay standard, with special emphasis on the applicability of the assay in a point of care or at home setting, where the advents of a research laboratory are not available.

Project end date: 02/04/10

BPN428: Thermal Imaging of Single Living Cells

Jui-Ming (Ryan) Yang

The long-term objective of this project is to realize in-vivo temperature measurements and thus create thermal images of single living cells. Existing temperature measurement methods, such as micro-thermal couples and IR cameras, are not suitable for single cell analysis due to various limitations. Our approach is to use wavelength shifts of quantum dots (QDs) as the non-contact, local temperature markers.

Project end date: 02/04/10

BPN320: MEMS Poly/Nano: Biomimetic, Polymeric Transistor-based Biosensor Technology

Jim C. Cheng

The goal of this research is the creation of robust, flexible, polymer sensors and circuits fabricated in-part from the low cost, biopolymer, chitosan – the deacetylated form of chitin which is the second most abundant polyssacharide in nature. Chitin is found in crustaceans, insects, bacteria and fungi. The sensors will detect diatomic gases and DNA to more complex macro molecules (e.g. exotoxins) in a fluidic or dry environment. Polymer-nanoparticle (ex. Ge) hybrid films allow for development of robust, polymer thin-film transistors and, with optimization of the hybrid film,...

BPN328: Remote Nanoplasmonic Switch for Localized Gene Silencing

Eunice Somin Lee

Near infrared-absorbing gold nanoplasmonic particles (GNPs) are used here as optical switches of gene interference and are remotely controlled using light. We have tuned these optical switches such that optical excitation is at a specific near infrared wavelength where cellular photo-damage is minimized due to a long penetration depth. The optical switches are conjugated with double-stranded oligonucleotides. The double-stranded complex is formed by a thiol-modified sense oligonucleotide attached to the GNP’s surface and a gene-interfering antisense oligonucleotide hybridized to...

BPN319: Quantitative Study on Cancer Research: Aptasensor for Cancer Diagnostics

Hansang Cho
Charlie Yeh

Early detection of cancer markers is a critical demand for clinical research, particularly in preventing cancer cells from establishing themselves in a metastatic stage. Our goal is to provide a stable, sensitive, and selective detection method utilizing a nanoplasmonic ‘aptasensor’ (aptamer-based sensor) of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for breast cancer diagnostics.

Project end date: 08/12/10

BPN557: MEMS-Based Biological Platform for Cell-to-Cell Interaction Characterization

Jiyoung Chang

This project seeks and explores novel biological platform to study cell to cell interaction based on MEMS technology. Electrochemical and other surface treatment schems are used to enable switching the surface from cell fouling to cell non-fouling and vice versa. Optical transparancy of the whole device will be achieved for enhanced visual observation and electrical conductance of the device will be added for further electrical analysis such as impedance analaysis. Scaling down to single cell level study will be explored in the future device design and understanding sub- cellular...

BPN568: A Real-time PCR Antibiogram for Drug-resistant Septicemia

John R. Waldeisen

We have developed an assay that combines molecular diagnostic techniques with the phenotypic response of susceptibility testing to rapidly determine optimal drug therapy in septicemia.

Project end date: 08/16/11

BPN602: Ion Channel Sensors Based on Mesoporous Silica Films

Pauline J. Chang

The goal of this project is to develop bio/chemical sensors based on ion channel proteins. Past efforts to develop similar sensors have been hampered by the complexities of providing both fluidic and electrical access to the ion channels. Here, mesoporous silica, a novel nanostructured material with ordered columnar nanopores, will be used to provide a fluid-porous support for ion channels inserted in a synthetic lipid membrane. Collecting the picoampere-level ion currents requires that the mesoporous layer provides low parasitic capacitance and that the silica-lipid membrane...

BPN326: Development of a Microstimulator Implant for Neuromuscular Disease

Maral Gharib

Facial nerve dysfunction is a common problem affecting both genders, all races, and all ages and is caused by numerous medical problems, including stroke. In particular, the inability to blink causes serious long term problems both physically and psychologically. Electrical stimulation of a blink does not work because the current needed to induce a blink also causes intense pain. The long-range objective of our research is to develop an artificial synapse chip system that can be used in a novel therapeutic strategy for denervated muscles by mimicing the natural stimulation that...