Bernhard Boser (Advisor)

BPN665: Frequency Modulated Laser Source for 3D Imaging

Phillip Sandborn

In recent years we have seen a growing demand for 3D cameras for applications such as gaming, entertainment, and autonomous vehicles. Present solutions suffer from high power dissipation and large size. This project leverages heterogeneous integration of standard CMOS electronics with high performance optical components including lasers, photo-diodes, interferometers and waveguides to reduce size, cost, and power dissipation.

Project end date: 08/25/16

BPN854: Wearable Ultrasound System for Chronic Neural Recording

Joshua E. Kay

Chronic monitoring of nerve activity with minimally invasive medical devices creates broad opportunities from therapeutic treatments to human augmentation. These closed-looped neural recording and modulation systems require small, low power wearable devices to enable freely moving subjects while still allowing real- time processing of recorded data. An ultrasonic backscatter system called Neural Dust (ND) demonstrated ultrasound's increased power efficiency over electromagnetic (EM) energy for sub-mm scale implantable devices used for wireless electrophysiological neural recording....

The Design of Low Phase Noise MEMS Oscillators for Frequency References

Manu Seth
Bernhard E. Boser
Roger T. Howe
As modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes scale, communications devices continue to become more powerful and more portable. Technology is progressing to single chip transceivers with more and more components integrated on chip [I, 2]. We are reaching...

Resonant Circuits for MEMS Interfaces

Baris Cagdaser
Bernhard E. Boser
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Liwei Lin
Roger T. Howe
This work describes the use of resonant circuits for electrostatic actuation of MEMS devices with low voltage drive electronics. Resonant drive also offers a solution for position sensing and generates a sense signal without the need for a separate sense capacitor. Moreover, an inherent force feedback mechanism limits the drive voltage as the drive capacitor becomes larger and stabilizes parallel-plate actuators beyond the pull-in point of the...

Rodent Wearable Ultrasound Interrogation System for Wireless Neural Recording

Joshua Kay
Bernhard E. Boser
Michel M. Maharbiz

Advancements in minimally-invasive, distributed biological interface nodes enable possibilities for networks of sensors and actuators to connect the brain with external devices. These brain machine interfacing systems require addressing three critical areas for real world use: signal-acquisition hardware, real-time operation, and long term validation. The recent development of the neural dust sensor mote has shown that utilizing ultrasound backscatter communication enables untethered ...

Low-Power, High-Stability FM MEMS Gyroscopes

Yu-Ching Yeh
Bernhard E. Boser
Liwei Lin

With the advantages of small size and low cost, MEMS gyroscopes have been used in a variety of applications such as image stabilization, gaming control, and motion tracking for mobile or wearable devices. One potential application for MEMS gyroscopes is indoor navigation. This minimizes the infrastructure requirements compared with other approaches with electromagnetic reference beacons. However, recent consumer MEMS gyroscopes are still orders away from achieving navigation grade performance.


Immunosensor: A CMOS/MEMS-Based Protein Sensor

Bernhard E. Boser
Richard M. White
P. Robert Beatty
Eva Harris

Millions of people each year die of infectious diseases. The need for rapid and efficient diagnostics is extremely prevalent. Current diagnostic tools are found only in the laboratories of well-equipped hospitals, research labs and clinics. Simple, common tests are becoming available...

Design and Implementation of Sigma-Delta Force-Balance Microaccelerometers

Crist Lu
Bernhard E. Boser
Roger T. Howe

The first goal of this research is to investigate the issues involved in the design of a sigma-delta force- balance surface-micromachined accelerometer. The second goal is to successfully design, fabricate, and test a monolithic m...

Design of Moderate Resolution High Speed Pipeline ADCs in Fine Line Technologies

Dimitrios Katsis
Bernhard E. Boser
Kristofer S.J. Pister

In this work the issues involved in designing pipeline Analog to Digital Converters in fine line technologies are discussed. In particular, we focus on the design of the interstage amplifier within the pipeline. We compare open loop voltage and current mode approaches to amplifier design and suggest solutions to common current mode design problems. Further, we propose...

Chip-scale Lidar

Behnam Behroozpour Baghmisheh
Bernhard E. Boser
Ming C. Wu
Liwei Lin

The superiority of lidar compared to radiofrequency and ultrasonic solutions in terms of depth and lateral resolution has been known for decades. In recent years, both application pull such as 3D vision for robotics, rapid prototyping, selfdriving cars, and medical diagnostics, as well as technology developments such as integrated optics and tunable lasers have resulted in new activities
