Albert P. Pisano (Advisor)

BPN662: QES: Micro LHP Cooler - An In-Situ Hermetic Seal for High Heat Flux Microfluidic Devices

Gordon D. Hoople

The ultimate project goal for the micro Loop Heat Pipe Chip Cooling System is to design and fabricate a substrate with high thermal conductivity that can be interfaced directly with high heat flux electronic chips. This new technology will be capable of satisfying the constantly increasing cooling requirements of today's electronic devices. A prototype has already been developed that utilizes phase change technology to absorb large heat fluxes through latent heat. In order to perform functional testing, however, a reliable hermetic sealing method must be developed. The major...

BPN441: HEaTS: Temperature-Compensated & High-Q Aluminum Nitride Lamb Wave Resonators

Chih-Ming Lin

The long-range goal of this project is to develop aluminum nitride (AlN) Lamb wave resonators with high Q, small frequency-temperature drift, multiple frequencies, and CMOS compatibility on one single chip.

Project end date: 08/16/13

BPN499: HEaTS: Aluminum Nitride Inertial Sensors for Harsh Environments

Fabian T. Goericke

Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a promising candidate for an emerging field of sensors that is inaccessible for electrostatic devices. Harsh environment conditions, such as temperatures above 500 deg C, high pressures, or reactive media are detrimental to today's MEMS sensors. Devices based on the inert, high melting point material AlN however can withstand these and even harsher conditions. The piezoelectric properties of the material are preserved to very high temperatures (up to 1000 deg C) and can be used for sensing in accelerometers and both sensing and actuating in gyroscopes....

BPN670: QES: Micro LHP Cooler - Coherent Porous Silicon Wick for High Heat Flux and Capillary Pumping

Hongyun So

The main goal of this project is to develop a new technique to fabricate the coherent porous silicon (CPS) wick and integrate it into the micro loop heat pipe (micro-LHP). Another goal is to optimize the pore size, pitch, porosity and wick thickness to maximize the heat flux and capillary pressure in the device. Through control of pore size, the flow resistance of the micro-LHP will be defined. Finally, the novel design of the CPS wick will significantly increase the efficiency of micro-LHP while preventing the severe problems such as bubble formation, liquid- vapor interface...

BPN661: HEaTS: SiC Thin-Film Flame Ionization Sensor

David A. Rolfe

This project seeks to construct a thermally-isolated, SiC thin-film, ionization sensor to measure the propagation speed of flames in combustion chambers. Silicon carbide has been chosen as the sensor material because it is a ceramic semiconductor with low surface energy and excellent mechanical and electrical properties at high temperatures. A prototype MEMS planar sensor array has been designed and fabricated for parametric testing of sensor material and geometry. It is currently undergoing testing using a controlled flame. Future work will incorporate parametric optimization and...

BPN663: HEaTS: SiC Diodes and Rectifiers for Harsh Environment Sensing Applications

Shiqian Shao

The goal of this project is to develop harsh environment rectification and sensing circuits. The devices and circuits are designed in silicon carbide (SiC) wafer due to its extraordinary performance in harsh environment such as high temperature, corrosive chemical. SiC diodes and rectifier bridges is designed, fabricated and tested in my research project to develop harsh environment sensing system.

Project end date: 01/28/14

BPN638: HEaTS: SiC Devices and ICs for Harsh Environment Sensing

Ayden Maralani

The main objective of this research is to design and develop low power Silicon Carbide (SiC) based transistors and Integrated Circuits (ICs) that can withstand the elevated temperature, up to 600°C. The fabricated ICs will be integrated with the SiC-based sensors to develop high temperature sensing systems for various harsh environment applications.

Project end date: 01/28/14

BPN644: HEaTS: SiC Bipolar Junction Transistors for Harsh Environment Sensing Applications

Nuo Zhang

The goal of this project is to develop silicon carbide (SiC) bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) for harsh environment sensing applications. The wide bandgap energy (3.2eV) and low intrinsic carrier concentration allow SiC semiconductor device to function at a much higher temperature than Si. Moreover, high breakdown field (3-5MV/cm), high-saturated electron velocity (2E7cm/s) coupled with high thermal conductivity (3-5W/cmK) permit extreme working conditions for SiC devices. The SiC BJT has the potential for low specific on-resistance, low turn-on voltage and high temperature...

BPN616: HEaTS: SiC Harsh Environment Pressure Sensors

Kirti R. Mansukhani

The goal of this project is to develop MEMs pressure sensors to survive harsh environments. Harsh environments (high temperature, high pressure, high shock and/or corrosive conditions) are encountered in various applications such as automobile engines, turbines, space, downhole oil and gas drilling, and geothermal logging.

Project end date: 01/28/14

BPN660: QES: Micro LHP Chip Cooling System - Evaporator Design and Testing

Lilla M. Smith

The micro scale loop heat pipe (Micro-LHP) is an ongoing research project dedicated to the design and testing of a new cooling system for thermal management of high-power electronics. With the high power densities of current and future power systems and high performance electronics, comes a continuing need for novel thermal management and cooling solutions. Some of the most promising solutions utilize phase change, such as micro loop heat pipes and vapor chambers. A leading topic for several years has been pool boiling with different surfaces to raise the critical heat flux (CHF) bar...