Indistinguishable Photons from an Artificial Atom in Silicon Photonics


Silicon is the ideal material for building electronic and photonic circuits at scale. Spin qubits and integrated photonic quantum technologies in silicon offer a promising path to scaling by leveraging advanced semiconductor manufacturing and integration capabilities. However, the lack of deterministic quantum light sources, two-photon gates, and spin-photon interfaces in silicon poses a major challenge to scalability. In this work, we show a new type of indistinguishable photon source in silicon photonics based on an artificial atom. We show that a G center in a silicon waveguide can generate high-purity telecom-band single photons. We perform high-resolution spectroscopy and time-delayed two-photon interference to demonstrate the indistinguishability of single photons emitted from a G center in a silicon waveguide. Our results show that artificial atoms in silicon photonics can source highly coherent single photons suitable for photonic quantum networks and processors.

Publication date: 
November 17, 2022
Publication type: 
Journal Article
L. Komza, P. Samutpraphoot, M. Odeh, Y. Tang, M. Mathew, J. Chang, H. Song, M. Kim, Y. Xiong, G. Hautier, and A. Sipahigil, "Indistinguishable photons from an artificial atom in silicon photonics," 2022.

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