BPNX1032: A Quantum Nano-Electromechanical Transducer based on Interface Piezoelectricity (New Project)


Transduction of signals between electrical, mechanical, and optical domains is central to modern computing, sensing, and communication systems. Emerging quantum computing, sensing, and communication technologies also require the development of transducers capable of converting quantum-level signals such as single photons and phonons with high efficiency and low loss. Traditional piezoelectric materials such as aluminum nitride and lithium niobate are widely used in classical piezoelectric and electro-optic transducers. However, for quantum applications, these thin films have large defect concentrations that lead to decoherence of quantum signals and the reduction in their transduction efficiencies. In this project, we use interface piezoelectricity, an electromechanical transduction mechanism that naturally occurs at a superconductor-silicon junction, to realize all-silicon electromechanical quantum transducers without the need for lossy piezoelectric films. We combine the interface piezoelectric transducer with high-impedance kinetic inductance microwave resonators to realize an electromechanical quantum transducer with high efficiency and fidelity. The all-silicon electromechanical transducer developed in this work could enable high-fidelity transduction between superconducting circuits, phononic quantum memories, and microwave-to-optical quantum transducers.

Project is currently funded by: Federal

Publication date: 
August 12, 2024
Publication type: 
BSAC Project Materials (Current)
PREPUBLICATION DATA - ©University of California 2024

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