BPN402: MiNaSIP 2.C.2: Zero-Stress MEMS Packaging


Tools for linking the environment (application/tester/customer system) with the micro world of a MEMS device are extremely limited. It has proven difficult to accurately predict package, tester, and circuit board interactions and results. Thus, this research aims (1) to explore the physics of micro/macro interfacial contacts/stresses in the back-end packaging process to the overall MEMS RF device performances, and (2) to develop models for stresses in packages with MEMS devices (including RF MEMS such as QFN, LGA, cavity packages, etc.) both in process and final product stages. The long-term objectives for this project are to improve MEMS device performance over temperature as a result of optimization from predictive modeling, and to understand and engineer the physics of micro/macro bonding interface in order to improve the system performances in terms of stability, reliability, and offset.

Project end date: 08/11/10

Publication date: 
February 1, 2010
Publication type: 
BSAC Project Materials (Final/Archive)
PREPUBLICATION DATA - ©University of California 2010

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