
Apex Seal Design for the Mems Rotary Engine Power System

Fabian Martinez
Albert P. Pisano
Carlos Fernandez-Pello
Design, modeling, and analysis of a novel in-plane cantilever apex seal for maintaining high compression ratios in a MEMS-based rotary internal combustion engine are presented. This work is part of an effort to create a portable, MEMS-based Rotary Engine Power System (MEMS REPS) capable of producing power on the order of tens...

Optimized Fabrication of Ultra-Deep Reactive Ion Etched Silicon Components for the MEMS Rotary Engine Power System

Fabian Martinez
Albert P. Pisano
A. Carlos Fernandez-Pello
Seth Sanders
Results from the research and development of an ultra-deep reactive ion etching (Ultra-DRIE) process are presented here. The driving motivation of this process development is the manufacturing of high aspect ratio (HAR) Silicon microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and specifically components for the MEMS Rotary Engine Power System (MEMS REPS). The ultimate goal of the MEMS REPS project is to develop a system capable of producing portable elec...

Pick and Place Silicon on Insulator Microassembly

Matthew Last
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Ming C. Wu
Liwei Lin
Deep reactive ion etching into Silicon on Insulator (SOI) wafers is a popular method of fabricating high-performance MEMS devices. These include electrostatic and thermal actuators, flexures that guide very precise motion, and ultra-flat and smooth reflectors to make micro-mirrors. An important limitation of SOI-based MEMS is that it is not easy to achieve a large range of out-of-plane motion without a complex fabrication process. This is because of the difficulty in...

The Design and Evaluation of Network Power Scheduling for Sensor Networks

Barbara Hohlt
Eric A. Brewer
David E. Culler
Paul K. Wright

The combination of technological advances in integrated circuitry, micro-electro-mechanical systems, communication, and energy storage has driven the development of low-cost, low-power sensor nodes. Networking many nodes through radio communication allows for data collection via multihop routing, but the practical limits on available resources and the lack of global control present challenges. Constraints imposed by the limited energy stores on individual nodes require planned use of resources, particularly the radio.

In this dissertation we present Flexible Power Scheduling (FPS...

Localized Synthesis, Assembly and Application of Carbon Nanotubes

Dane Christensen
Liwei Lin
Albert P. Pisano
Alexander Zettl
This report describes the localized synthesis, orientation, assembly and application of carbon nanotubes. Synthesis by chemical vapor deposition is activated by means of resistively heating a MEMS structure in a room temperature reaction chamber. Catalyst nanoparticles, created by heating a thin film of NiFe (80%-20% by...

Microfluidic Devices for Quantitative Cell Biology

Philip Lee
Luke P. Lee
David Sretavan
Jay Groves
As cell biology transitions into a quantitative science, it is critically important to develop experimental tools capable of precisely controlling the cellular microenvironment. In the emerging field of cellular systems biology, scientists hope to describe the complex behavior of living organisms by understanding the intricate relationships between molecular components. In order to confront this...

Modularly Integrated MEMS Technology

Marie-Ange Eyoum
Tsu-Jae King
Roger T. Howe
Sanjay Govindje
Process design, development and integration to fabricate reliable MEMS devices on top of VLSI-CMOS electronics without damaging the underlying circuitry have been investigated throughout this dissertation. Experimental and theoretical results that utilize two “Post-CMOS” integration approaches will be presented. The first integration approach uses SiGe MEMS technology for the “Post-CMOS” monolithic integration of the MEMS devices...

Tunable Optical Microresonators with Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) Integration

Jin Yao
Ming C. Wu

Optical microresonators are key enabling elements for many photonic integrated circuits (PICs) areas. Their applications include modulators, optical filters, optical delay lines, nonlinear optical devices, and optical sensors. In previous demonstrations, the coupling of the resonator and its input/output is generally fixed, or tuned using non- integrated alignment system. The ability to control and vary the optical coupling is highly desirable in the areas of emerging adaptive optical circuits as well as in ultra-compact tunable, switchable, and reconfigurable optical components and...

Diffractive Optical MEMS Technology for Tunable Filters and Modulators

Jack Skinner
David A. Horsley
Ian M. Kennedy
This dissertation reports on the design, fabrication, and characterization of optical modulators and filters based upon resonant metallic gratings. The optical and electromechanical theory behind the operation of these devices is also presented with modeling results to confirm experimental results. Optical modulators and filters were made for both the infrared (IR) and visible wavelengths. A tunable IR filter based on a metal grating patterned...

Silicon Carbide Thin Films via Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition for Micro- and Nano-electromechanical Systems

Christopher Roper
Roya Maboudian
Roger T. Howe
David B. Graves
Albert P. Pisano
Micro- and Nano-electromechanical Systems (MEMS and NEMS) consist of devices which can sense and actuate on the micrometer and nanometer scales. A number of MEMS devices have been commercialized, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors, and micromirror displays. The most common structural layer used in this technology is polycrystalline silicon, which is adequate for MEMS/NEMS devices operating in ambient environments; however, the use...