
Micromachined Silicon Ultrasonic Longitudinal Mode Actuators: Theory and Applications to Surgery, Pumping, and Atomization

Amit Lal
Richard M. White
A silicon-based high-intensity ultrasound actuator technology is developed. It is shown that silicon's high maximum ultrasonic particle velocity, high thermal conductivity, and low internal loss, make it an ideal resonator material for high-intensity ultrasonic actuators. Furthermore, it is expected that silicon micromachined batch...

A Micromachined Acoustic Immunosensor for the Detection of Breast Cancer Antigens

Amy Wang
Richard M. White
We have developed an acoustic immunoassay that couples a mass-amplifying label with a silicon-micromachined gravimetric sensor, the Flexural Plate Wave (FPW) device. This assay has direct application to the diagnostic detection of a breast cancer antigen in the sera...

Integrated-Circuit-Compatible Electret and Condenser Ultrasonic Transducers

Jonathan Bernstein
Richard M. White
This dissertation presents research on the design, analysis and construction of thin film electret and condenser ultrasonic transducers which are compatible with integrated circuit fabrication. In addition, materials research is ...

Ultrasonic Microtransport

Richard M. Moroney III
Richard M. White
We have observed numerous kinetic effects using ultrasonic flexural plate waves (EPWs) in 4-um-thick composite plates of low-stress silicon nitride, piezoelectric zinc oxide and aluminum. The wavelength is typically 100 um, and the area 3 x 8...

Simulation of Microelectromechanical Systems

Gary Fedder
Roger T. Howe
This thesis describes a general system simulation of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based on lumped-parameter modeling. First-order analytic models are derived for mechanical equations of motion of a suspended plate, squeeze-film damping,...

Micromachined Piezoelectric Microphones

Robert P. Ried
Richard S. Muller
Performance limits of micromachined piezoelectric microphones are examined theoretically and experimentally. The various sources of microphone noise are combined to form a model for the signal-to-noise ratio, and this model is used to generate design rules...

A Surface Micromachined Accelerometer with Integrated CMOS Detection Circuitry

Weijie Yun
Roger T. Howe
A surface micromachined, capacitive accelerometer is described which integrates the mechanical sensing microstructures with CMOS detection circuits. The capacitive sensing structure consists of two polysilicon layers with the sensing and feedback electrodes...

Applications of Ultrasonic Lamb Waves

Stuart Wenzel
Richard M. White

Ultrasonic flexural Lamb waves in thin films have applications for sensing and actuation. We begin with a review of the Rayleigh-Lamb dispersion relation, which governs the propagation of Lamb waves in free, homogeneous, isotropic plates. We derive the dispersion relation for the lowest-order flexural (A0) mode in terms of in-plant tension, stiffness, mass per unit area and rotary inertia. A radiation-load method is used to treat viscoelastic loading. The resulting dispersion relations accurately predict sensor response -- changes of wave velocity, frequency and attenuation -- to various...

Thermal Applications of Microbridges

Carlos Mastrangelo
Richard S. Muller
The thermal applications of electrically-heated polycrystalline-silicon microbridges are explored. An electrothermal model based on the balance of heat dissipation and heat losses is developed which determines the microbridge electrical characteristics. The...

Low Temperature Silicon-Silicon Bonding with Oxides

Leslie A. Field
Richard S. Muller

This report describes a novel low-temperature silicon-silicon bonding process using boron glass. Using this method, silicon wafers can be sealed together at 450C. The process is extremely sensitive to phosphorus. The integration of the boron-glass bonding process with MOS processing is discussed.