Physical Sensors & Devices

Research that includes:

  • Silicon MEMS actuators: comb, electro-thermal, and plastic deformation
  • Precision electronic sensing and measurements of capacitive, frequency, and coulombic MEMS variables
  • Structures and architectures for gyroscopes, accelerometers, micro strain gauges for direct application to rigid structures e.g., steel, and levitated MEMS

A New Chemresistive NO2 Sensing Material: Hafnium Diboride

Sikai Zhao
Yong Xia
Steven DelaCruz
Aifei Pan
Zhou Li
Yanbai Shen
Marcus A. Worsley
Carlo Carraro
Roya Maboudian

While metal oxides and metal sulfides have been extensively studied for gas sensing applications, there are no extensive reports on gas sensing properties of metal diborides. Here, for the first time, we have investigated the conductometric gas sensing behavior of HfB2 nanoparticles. The HfB2 nanoparticles is synthesized via a sol-gel method and characterized using X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The gas sensor is fabricated by drop casting the HfB2 nanoparticles on interdigitated Ag/Pd...

BPN608: FM Gyroscope

Burak Eminoglu

MEMS gyroscopes for consumer devices, such as smartphones and tablets, suffer from high power consumption and drift which precludes their use in inertial navigation applications. Conventional MEMS gyroscopes detect Coriolis force through measurement of very small displacements on a sense axis, which requires low-noise, and consequently high-power, electronics. The sensitivity of the gyroscope is improved through mode-matching, but this introduces many other problems, such as low bandwidth and unreliable scale factor. Additionally, the conventional Coriolis force detection method is very...

BPN949: Optoelectronic Reservoir Computing

Philip L. Jacobson

As the demand for faster, more efficient training of neural networks continues to grow, specialized photonic hardware has emerged as a potential alternative to classical computers for AI applications. Reservoir Computing (RC), a lightweight alternative to computationally-intensive Recurrent Neural Networks, has been demonstrated to be possible using simple delay dynamical systems. We propose an optoelectronic implementation of this architecture through a Mach-Zehnder modulator driven by delayed feedback from a laser. We introduce a new optoelectronic scheme in which input data is first pre...

Customizing MEMS Designs via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Fanping Sui
Ruiqi Guo
Wei Yue
Kamyar Behrouzi
Liwei Lin

We present a novel systematic MEMS structure design approach based on a “deep conditional generative model”. Utilizing the conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) on a case study of circular-shaped MEMS resonators, three major advancements have been demonstrated: 1) a high-throughput vectorized MEMS design generation scheme that satisfies the geometric constraints; 2) MEMS structural customization toward tunable, desired physical properties with excellent generation accuracy; and 3) experience-free design space explorations to achieve extreme physical properties, such as...

Designing Weakly Coupled MEMS Resonators with Machine Learning-Based Method

Fanping Sui
Wei Yue
Ruiqi Guo
Kamyar Behrouzi
Liwei Lin

We demonstrate a design scheme for weakly coupled resonators (WCRs) by integrating the supervised learning (SL) with the genetic algorithm (GA). In this work, three distinctive achievements have been accomplished: 1) the precise prediction of coupling characteristics of WCRs with an accuracy of 98.7% via SL; 2) the stepwise evolutionary optimization of WCR geometries while maintaining their geometric connectivity via GA; and 3) the highly efficient generation of WCR designs with a mean coupling factor down to 0.0056, which outperforms 98% of random designs. The coupling behavior analysis...

BSAC's Best: Fall 2020 Oral Presentation Winners Announced

September 24, 2020

BSAC would like to thank all of the researchers who presented their research during BSAC's Fall 2020 Research Review, September 21-23.

BSAC Industrial Members voted for their favorite oral presentations and the results are in. Please join us in congratulating the winners of the Fall 2020 Best of BSAC honors, Mallika Bariya and Daniel Teal!


BPN922: Analog Optical Voltage Sensor

Jordan L. Edmunds
Soner Sonmezoglu

Distributed sensors are becoming ubiquitous in manufacturing, automotive, and consumer applications. One extremely common need at the core of many of these sensors is the requirement to sense small voltages (uV-mV scale), amplify, digitize, and then communicate those bits so they can be acted on. We are taking a different approach - by utilizing nonlinear optical materials, we plan to transduce these signals directly into reflected light, removing the need for complex and high-cost sensor-side circuitry. Since the mechanism is purely passive and does not require a continuous power...

BPN873: Small Autonomous Robot Actuator (SARA)

Alex Moreno
Austin Patel
Daniel Teal
Andrew Fearing

The Small Autonomous Robot Actuator (SARA) aims to integrate the Single Chip micro Mote (SCuM), a small millimeter scale solar panel and high voltage buffer (Zappy2), and a MEMS 40-100V inchworm motor that has been demonstrated to push a 7um diameter carbon filament through an adjustable width channel at speeds of 10um/s to 200um/s. SARA has been demonstrated to operate the inchworm motor at 1 Hz with 100V square waves under 200mW/cm2 on separate PCBs and transmit 802.15.4 packets with temperature estimates between 35.5-40 C with a 0.28 std error from SCuM to an OpenMote while on a...

BPN799: 3D Printed Microsensors

Jacqueline Elwood

We aim to develop multi-functional, multi-material 3D printed structures for the development of 3D printed microsensors. Using these multi-functional 3D printed structures, we plan to demonstrate simple sensing platforms, such as EtOH sensing for monitoring of food quality, fermentation, or ethanol content in the body, for proof-of-concept in combining conductive materials with commercially available 3D printing materials or 3D printers. Upon further development, this combination could prove critical in resolving the foremost limitations of conventional diagnostic devices (i.e....

Improved Hydrogen Sensitivity and Selectivity in PdO with Metal-Organic Framework Membrane

David Gardner
Xiang Gao
Hossain M. Fahad
Ali Javey
Carlo Carraro
Roya Maboudian

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly designable porous materials and are recognized for their exceptional selectivity as chemical sensors. However, they are not always suitable for incorporation with existing sensing platforms, especially sensing modes that rely on electronic changes in the sensing material (e.g., work-function response or conductometric response). One way that MOFs can be utilized is by growing them as a porous membrane on a sensing layer and using the MOF to affect the electronic structure of the sensing layer. In this paper, a proof-of-concept for...