
Research that includes: 

  • Microvalves and fluidic flow control
  • Micropumps
  • Modeling of microfluidics
  • Particulate air monitoring
  • Flow Sensors
  • Capillary Pump Loop
  • Optoelectronic Transport & Tweezers

BPN632: Advanced Lateral Flow Assay (ALFA) to Monitor Tuberculosis Patient Response

John R. Waldeisen
Debkishore Mitra
Jessie Tung
Seung-min Park

Our technology simplifies typical sample preparation and enhances detection sensitivity for blood-based lateral flow assays.

Project end date: 08/09/12

BPN633: Numerical Simulation of Degas-driven Flow in Microfluidic Devices

John R. Waldeisen
Debkishore Mitra

This project develops a MATLAB model to aid systematic design and investigation of the numerous parameters that govern flow velocity and device loading time in degas-driven fluid flow.

Project end date: 08/09/12

BPN650: Nanopores Generated by Photothermal Plasmic Antennas for Patterable In Situ Transfection in Tissue-scale

Chi-cheng Fu
Sahba Talebi Fard
Kyuwan Lee
SoonGweon Hong

In the recent breakthrough of stem cell researches, somatic cells can be reprogrammed to pluripotent states or be converted to other cell lineages by delivery of transcription factors, RNA or small molecules. The first challenge to overcome is to deliver molecules cross cell membrane. Several delivery methods, such as viral infections, lipid-mediated transfections and electroporations, are widely applied due to their robustness and large-scale operation. However, the spatial and temporal controls are hard to achieve due to stochastic nature of bulk processes. Here we developed a...

BPN674: Integrated Microfluidic Array Plate (iMAP) for Cellular and Molecular Analysis

Ivan K. Dimov
Younggeun Park

We present a novel cellular and molecular analysis platform, which allows access to gene expression, protein immunoassay, and cytotoxicity information in parallel.

Project end date: 08/17/12

BPN620: Surface Topology Optimization for Directing Fluid Flow

Sho Takatori
Kathryn Fink

Sample capture transport of biological fluids, like blood flow in diabetes glucose monitors, often requires microfluidic actuation. Current commercial methods used in diabetes glucose monitors usually involve porous materials or hydrogels, but these strategies are limited in fluid control. Surface wettability gradient actuation is an approach widely used in various other microfluidic or lab-on-a-chip systems. Here we design and fabricate a droplet-actuation device that relies purely on capillary pressure gradients induced by surface topologies. We discuss the theoretical capabilities...

BPN669: Universal Blood Sample Preparation

John R. Waldeisen
Debkishore Mitra
Erh-Chia Yeh

The Universal Blood Sample Preparation module is part of a molecular diagnostic platform being developed to detect three of the most deadly and burdensome diseases in the world: HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. In order to decrease the time to detection, optimal blood separation techniques are investigated to speed plasma extraction and electrochemical lysis is employed for biomarker extraction.

Project end date: 01/31/13

BPN495: QES: Continuous Flow Cell Lysometer

Timothy P. Brackbill

Single cell analysis is an increasingly important area of consideration. Rather than obtaining a bulk average assay result from a large number of cells, it is possible to do a statistical study on each individual cell in a population. Flow cytometry allows this methodology, but is incapable of testing for compounds inside the cells themselves. It instead relies on using surface markers. Some limited markers (calcium probes) capable of penetrating the cell wall are also available, but are limited to a few very specific tests. Our device will enable the assay of cytosolic (internal)...

BPN627: Stencil Patterning Method Improves Uniformity of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Colonies

Frank B. Myers

Stem cells hold the promise of producing functional tissues which can replace those lost due to disease or injury. New organ tissues, such as those found in the heart, liver, or nervous system, can be created from pluripotent stem cells through the process of “differentiation”. Additionally, pluripotent stem cells can produce an unlimited supply of new stem cells in a process called "self- renewal". In culture, pluripotent stem cells form isolated colonies, and the geometry of these colonies can have a profound impact on their capacity for differentiation. Current culture...

BPN543: Modular Biomolecular Signal Amplification for Colorimetric Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Richard H. Henrikson
John R. Waldeisen

Predictive and preventive diagnostics promise to dramatically improve targeted patient healthcare while vastly reducing systemic costs. However, patients in remote and resource-poor settings have significantly reduced access to valuable diagnostics. We are integrating nucleic acid based molecular recognition elements into microfluidic devices to achieve quantitative measures of a range of biomarkers without the need for external equipment. We have further designed an opto- biochemical signal amplification component for downstream readout. We aim to reduce assay cost, time- to-answer...

BPN668: Microfluidic Chemo-Sensitivity Assay Platform (µCAP) for Personalized Breast Cancer Therapy and Research

Debkishore Mitra

Tumor chemo-sensitivity assays (TCA) involve the in vitro exposure of cultured cancerous cells to different drugs at varying concentrations. These analyses are traditionally used to determine drug susceptibilities, of cancerous cells in vitro, and can help discern whether a certain drug regimen will work against a tumor of a certain individual. This paradigm of personalized medicine has been explored in breast cancer, where a correlation has been shown between TCA guided therapy and clinical outcome. Microfluidic platforms can provide clinicians the ability to perform such assays...