Luke P. Lee (Advisor)

BPN778: Single-cell MicroRNA Quantification for Gene Regulation Heterogeneity Study

Qiong Pan
Soongweon Hong

MicroRNAs can affect individual cells’ epigenetic modifications in a variety of biological processes such as cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, cell differentiation and maintenance of stemness. These modifications can be largely heterogeneous depending on the internal and external factors. However, traditional tube- based qPCR or microarray system is lack of sensitivity and requires intensive labor and time input. Current integrated single- cell miRNA detection platforms are lack of the capacity of handling thousands of cells at the same time for statistical meaningful data...

BPN805: Rapid Detection of Drug-resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria on Chip

Soochan Chung
Jun Ho Son

Recent progress in disease research and molecular diagnostics are leading us to the realization stage of highly precise and personalized treatment technology. However, complicated sample preparation process and low precision of quantitative (q)PCR in current molecular diagnostic technology are enormously delaying the development of treatment for organisms which are causes of healthcare-associated infections, such as Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Here we develop an integrated drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) detection on...

BPN806: Very Large Scale Single Cell Microprocessor for Rapid Gene Analyzer: A Game-Changer for Single Cell Biology and Medicine

Liang Zhao

Single cell transcriptional gene expression profiling is still highly plagued by limited starting material from single cells, time- consuming sample preparation, and lacks of game-changing platform that enables cells-in-answer-out analysis of an individual cell. To revolutionize this scenario, herein, we develop a very large scale integrated microfluidic single cell analyzer that allows rapid gene expression measurements within one hour over hundreds of single cells plus 24 genes via multiplex qPCR assay on a single chip in per run. In order to execute single cell gene analysis on...

BPN794: Bubble-Free Microfluidic PCR

Sanghun Lee

Microfluidic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been of great interest owing to its ability to perform rapid and specific nucleic acid amplification and analysis on small volumes of samples. One of the major drawbacks of microfluidic PCR is bubble generation and reagent evaporation, which can cause malfunctions. Here, we propose a bubble-free microfluidic PCR device via controlled fluid transfer. We design the PCR chamber surrounding circumferential chamber allows a guided-fluid transport of generated bubble to circumferential chamber through thin nanoporous PDMS sidewall. We...

BPN830: High-throughput Integrated Chiral Analysis Platform (hiCAP) for Active Drug Discovery

Doyeon Bang
SoonGweon Hong
Jin-Ho Lee

As we see the mirror image of our hand, many biological molecules such as DNA and proteins have left and right handed forms. We call this nature of handedness as the chirality of molecular structures. It is important to notice that we have right-handed sugars and left-handed amino acids, and there is a need for an effective method to screen pharmacologically active drugs as well as understanding the mechanisms of chiral interactions in living organisms. Here we describe a high-throughput integrated chiral analysis platform with microfluidics (hiCAP) for precise analysis of chirality...

BPN811: High-Throughput Integrated Chiral Analysis Platform (hiCAP) for Active Drug Discovery

Doyeon Bang
SoonGweon Hong
Jin-Ho Lee

As we see the mirror image of our hand, many biological molecules such as DNA and proteins have left and right handed forms. We call this nature of handedness as the chirality of molecular structures. It is important to notice that we have right-handed sugars and left-handed amino acids, and there is a need for an effective method to screen pharmacologically active drugs as well as understanding the mechanisms of chiral interactions in living organisms. Here we describe a high-throughput integrated chiral analysis platform with microfluidics (hiCAP) for precise analysis of chirality...

BPN807: Integrated Molecular Diagnostic System for Alzheimer’s Disease

Jin-Ho Lee
Ju-Young Byun
Jun Ho Son
Sang Hun Lee

Amyloid beta (Aβ) is one of most crucial neuropathological biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Up to date, the relation between the progress of the disorder and the interchange of Aβ level in the blood is still controversial; however, increasing evidence for transport of Aβ across the brain blood barrier (BBB) provides the linkage between concentrations of Aβ in central nervous system (CNS) and blood plasma. Hence, quantifying the Aβ level in blood plasma is considered as an emerging diagnostic method for AD. Here, we describe an integrated molecular diagnostic system (iMDx) for...

BPN831: Sample-to-Answer Multiplex Molecular Diagnostics for Subtyping Pathogenic Bacteria

Sang Hun Lee
Byungrae Cho
Jun Ho Son

The rapid and sensitive detection of pathogenic bacteria is crucial for identifying the pathogen and patient care with precise antibiotic treatment in public health. Thus, various diagnostic approaches such as a sequencing, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) have been used, but current methods still lack for practical application due to long processing time, and a large equipment- based operation. Here, we report a macrofluidic diagnostic platform, capable of rapid sample preparation, pathogen lysis and genetic profiling of multiple...

BPN804: A Rapid, Integrated Molecular Diagnostic for Gram-Negative Pathogen Detection and Identification Based on Antibody-Based Capture and Photonic PCR

Byungrae Cho
Jun Ho Son
Sang Hun Lee

The fast and precise detection and identification of pathogens has become significantly important in medicine, food safety, public health, and security. However, the conventional testing (bacteria cultures with several antibiotics for susceptibility test) needs one to four days to acquire the result. Here, we develop an integrated molecular diagnostic system that combines sample preparation, pathogen lysis, and genetic detection to identify pathogens within one hour. Bacteria in relatively large-volume sample (3-5 mL) continuously passing through a fluidic channel are captured and...

BPN730: Microfluidic Blood Plasma Separation for Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Jun Ho Son
ByungRae Cho

Microfluidic lab-on-a-chip (LOC) device for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics have been widely developed for the rapid detection of infectious diseases such as HIV, TB and Malaria. Blood plasma separation is an initial step for most blood-based diagnostics. Although, centrifuge method is the classical bench-top technique, it is time and labor intensive, and therefore, automation and integration of blood plasma separation in the LOC device is ideal for POC diagnostics. Here, we propose a novel microfluidic blood plasma separation device for POC diagnostics. A membrane filter for...