Liwei Lin (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Liwei Lin

Lin Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

Ultrafast Biomimetic Untethered Soft Actuators with Bone-In-Flesh Constructs Actuated by Magnetic Field

Wei Yue
Renxiao Xu
Fanping Sui
Yuan Gao
Liwei Lin

Soft actuators with unique mechanics have gained significant interests for unique capabilities and versatile applications. However, their actuation mechanisms (usually driven by light, heat, or chemical reactions) result in long actuation times. Reported magnetically actuated soft actuators can produce rapid and precise motions, yet their complex manufacturing processes may constrain their range of applications. Here, the “bone-in-flesh” is proposed that constructs combining rigid magnetic structures encapsulated within soft polymers to create untethered magnetic soft actuators. This...

Lin Lab: Researchers Design Soft Actuators that Mimic ‘bone-in-flesh’ Structure of Human Limbs

May 28, 2024

Past generations of soft actuators — designed to respond to light, heat and chemical reactions — typically exhibited slow actuation times and limited precision. Newer magnetically controlled soft actuators perform better in these areas, but they are challenging to manufacture. Ferromagnetic particles with controlled directional magnetization must be embedded into the actuator’s polymer skin, a process that requires specialized 3D printers and lithography techniques.

Now, Lin’s team may have solved this issue. Using their bone-in-flesh design, the...

Nikita Lukhanin

Graduate Student Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2028 (Anticipated)

Nikita Lukhanin is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in MEMS at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to this, he obtained a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois as well as an A.S. in Engineering Science from College of DuPage.

BSAC's Best: Spring 2024 Awards Announced

March 29, 2024

BSAC would like to thank all of the researchers who presented their research during BSAC's Spring 2024 Research Review on March 20th.

BSAC Industrial Members voted for the outstanding paper and presentations and the results are in. Please join BSAC in congratulating the recipients of the Spring 2024 Best of BSAC honors, Fan Xia and Noelle Davis!

Outstanding Presenter...

Ryan Sochol

Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2014

Prof. Ryan D. Sochol received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University in 2006, and both his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2009 and 2011, respectively, with Doctoral Minors in Bioengineering and Public Health. Prof. Sochol’s postdoctoral training spanned the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & Technology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the University of California, Berkeley, and...

BPN940: Self-Healing Materials for Sensing and Energy Harvesting Applications

Peisheng He
Zihan Wang

Animal skins often possess both functions of sensing and actuating to detect external stimulations and change shapes when needed, respectively. Furthermore, many animals, such as jellyfish and leptocephalus (eel larvae) have tissues that are transparent and ultra-stretchable, which are difficult to build in synthetic sensors and actuators. Moreover, all these living skins have self-healing properties, i.e. to restore their critical functions after being damaged. On the contrary, artificial electronic systems are often brittle and non-transparent. As such, biomimetic, skin-like materials...

Peggy Tsao

Graduate Student Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2027 (Anticipated)

Peggy Tsao received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2020. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D., major in Design and minor in MEMS/Nano in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. Liwei Lin and is expected to graduate in 2027.

Mingzheng Duan

Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
PostDoc 2023

Continuous and Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring by Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers

Yande Peng
Liwei Lin

Hypertension is a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke, which cost billions of dollars in health care expenses in America. Long-term and continuous blood monitoring system is an effective way for blood pressure management to reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes. However, the current cuff inflation-based monitoring schemes are cumbersome and inconvenient, which leads to limited ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for patients to only 24 to 48 hours.

Ultrasound has been used in medical applications for a long time, known for its harmless...