Jun-Chau Chien (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Jun-Chau Chien

Chien Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

Ya-Chen (Justine) Tsai

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Jun-Chau Chien (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2029 (Anticipated)

Ya-Chen (Justine) Tsai is now a first year PhD student in EECS Department, UC Berkeley. She received her B.S. in National Taiwan University, Department of Electrical Engineering in 2023. Her research interest focuses on CMOS-based microsystems for biosensing, especially the application catered to electrochemical aptamer-based sensing.

BSAC Spring 2024 Research Review Presenter

BPNX1004: Low Noise Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensing Device (New Project)

Ya-Chen (Justine) Tsai

The Electrochemical Aptamer-based (E-AB) sensors provide continuous and real-time monitoring of specific target molecules, including proteins, antibiotics, neurotransmitters, and more. Due to the cost-effectiveness compared to enzyme sensing assays, E-AB platforms hold significant promise for point-of-care devices and precision medicine. However, sensitivity remains a challenge, particularly in the complicated environment, such as blood and serum. While research has achieved a noise level in the picoampere range, enhancing sensitivity is crucial for detecting trace amounts of certain...

BPNX1008: Dual-Path Noise Elimination (DuNE): A Noise-Cancellation Technique for Aptamer-Based Electrochemical Sensors

Wei Foo

We have previously demonstrated electrochemical circuits for measuring the concentration of various biomolecules and drugs using structure-switching aptamers. Structure-switching aptamers are single-stranded nucleic acids that can be sequenced to exhibit conformational changes when bound to specific biomolecules. By conjugating aptamers with a redox reporter, voltammetry or amperometry-based measurements can be applied and signals in the nano to pico-amp scale can be captured using transimpedance amplifiers (TIA). Because the signals of interest are very small, noise-cancellation...

BPNX1005: Transmission-Type Parametric Amplifier for Qubit Readout in CMOS (New Project)

Wei-Yu Lin

The parametric amplifier is a crucial electronic device in cryogenic signal amplification, finding applications across various scientific and engineering domains, particularly in quantum computing. Unlike conventional amplifiers that rely on active components like transistors, parametric amplifiers utilize the properties of nonlinear passive devices to achieve signal amplification. Over the past decade, superconducting parametric amplifiers have become the primary system type in parametric amplification research. Leveraging Josephson Junction nonlinearity, these devices can amplify weak...

Wei-Yu Lin

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Jun-Chau Chien (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2029 (Anticipated)

Wei Foo

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Jun-Chau Chien (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2029 (Anticipated)