Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)

Research advised by BSAC Co-Director Alp Sipahigil

Sipahigil Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

BPNX1000: Atomic Force Nanomechanical Qubit (New Project)

Shahin Jahanbani
Binhan Hua
Kadircan Godeneli
Haoxin Zhou
Zihuai Zhang

Ultralong lifetimes of silicon nanomechanical resonators at cryogenic temperatures and microwave frequencies make them promising resources in quantum engineering. In this work, we propose a nanomechanical qubit achieving strong single-phonon level anharmonicity of 5 MHz without the need for coupling to an ancillary qubit of a hybrid quantum architecture. This qubit design combines a nano-machined silicon cantilever brought in proximity to a silicon surface using microelectromechanical actuators. The surface forces between the cantilever and the silicon surface provide an effective...

Niccolo Fiaschi

Postdoctoral Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)

PhD in Simon Groeblacher's group in Delft, working in quantum phononics. Currently studying T centers in Alp Sipahigil labs

BPN965: Phonon Protected Superconducting Qubits

Mutasem Odeh
Kadircan Godeneli

Superconducting quantum circuits are leading candidates for quantum computing. Scaling up these systems for practical applications will require compact coherent qubits that store the quantum states, high fidelity quantum gates that process them, and a scalable architecture that can accommodate complex error correction circuits. Meeting such requirements is mainly impeded by the unavoidable presence of two-level systems (TLS), which act as a decoherence source that results in the loss of quantum information via phonon emission. In this project, we engineer superconducting circuits...

Yu-Lung Tang

Graduate Student Researcher
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2028 (Anticipated)

Yu-Lung Tang is a Physics PhD student at the University of California, Berkeley. He started working with Alp Sipahigil in the Quantum Devices Group in July 2022 on the characterization of Silicon color center in integrated photonics.

Fall 2023 Research Review Presenter

Phonon-Protected Superconducting Qubits

Mutasem Odeh
Alp Sipahigil

The overhead to construct a logical qubit from physical qubits rapidly increases with the de- coherence rate. Current superconducting qubits reduce dissipation due to two-level systems (TLSs) by using large device footprints. However, this approach provides partial protection, and results in a trade-off between qubit footprint and dissipation. This work introduces a new platform using phononics to engineer superconducting qubit-TLS interactions. We realize a superconducting qubit on a phononic bandgap metamaterial that suppresses TLS- mediated phonon emission. We use the qubit to probe its...

Mutasem Odeh

Graduate Student Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2023

I am currently a Graduate student in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, working with Prof. Alp Sipahigil on developing Quantum Hardware. I have a background in the design and fabrication of integrated photonics and metamaterial structures along with industrial experience in electronics and photonic design.

BPN967: Quantum Emitters in Silicon Photonics

Lukasz Komza
Yu-Lung Tang
Hanbin Song
Zihuai Zhang

The G center, an atom-like single-photon emitter in silicon, has emerged as a promising candidate for realizing a quantum-coherent light source in integrated photonics. Our recent work demonstrating two-photon quantum interference with a single waveguide-integrated G center highlights the utility of G centers for photonic quantum information applications. However, improvements in the optical coherence properties of the G center must be achieved to enable its technological implementation. We will address this challenge by leveraging the integration capabilities of the silicon platform...

Zihuai Zhang

Postdoctoral Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Alp Sipahigil (Advisor)

Zihuai is a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Alp Sipahigil's group, working on solid-state quantum systems. He earned his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering in 2022 from Princeton University, where he worked on engineering coherent quantum defects in diamond in the lab of Prof. Nathalie de Leon. He received his B.S. in physics in 2016 from University of Science and Technology of China.

BSAC Spring 2023 Research Review Presenter