Zheng has been working on the CPD platform since 2019 when his group first came up with the concept. In 2020, his team published their first paper in Nature Electronics on this technology, followed by a 2022 paper in Science that described the use of it to make microrobots.
This latest paper is specific to the antenna application. CPD, Zheng said, is “very uniquely suited for antennas, because nearly all antennas need two components: One is the metal phase, the conductor, and the other is the dielectric phase, which is not conductive — and [until now] there has been no technology capable of directly patterning or synthesizing the conductor and dielectric materials together.”
Zheng explained that the first application they considered was in antennas. After discussing the technology with colleagues who specialize in this area, they realized that this technique could revolutionize how antennas are printed and open many new design possibilities.
Printing both the conductor (metal) and dielectric materials is especially important for antennas to be used in extreme environments. For example, Zheng said, “you cannot use a regular polymer in space. You need a high temperature polymer like Kapton, which is a good material in aerospace [stable at both very high and very low temperatures]. Now you can have Kapton and a pattern of metal traces interwoven in 3D at the same time.”
The team has also shown that through proper 3D designs, these antennas, without having to sit on a bulky substrate, achieve substantial weight savings compared to current antennas.
Co-author Yahya Rahmat-Samii, professor of electrical and computer engineering at UCLA, believes the CPD platform could significantly expand the possibilities for new antenna technologies and enable data-drive designs — allowing out-of-the box antenna designs for diverse applications. “There are probably numerous different antenna structures, depending on the application you have in mind,” he said.
Zheng and Rahmat-Samii next want to explore the full complexity of antenna design achievable with their new 3D printed antenna technology. Control of an antenna’s complexity gives them control over the ability to shape electromagnetic waves, much as a painter controls the application of paint with a brush. Aiming to advance applications for this technology, the team at UC Berkeley has formed a startup company focused on flexible medical sensors that would conform, say, to the shape of a hand.
“We can achieve a tunable antenna,” Zheng said. “And so the question now is, where can that technology help us best?