
Fluid-Actuated Micromachined Rotors and Gears

Leslie A. Field
Richard M. White

Fluid-actuated micromechanical structure were designed and fabricated from polysilicon and silicon nitride using surface micromachining techniques. These structures included trains of micromechanical involute-toothed spur gears. The gear diameters ranged from 60 to 1600 um. To increase fluid drive force, rotors were coated with tensile films to induce residual sttresses to delibrately warp them and thereby increase the efficiency of fluid powering by giving them a higher profile. For stuffer strucutres such as gears that must remain planar in order to mesh, vane were added to increase the...

Integrated Microphone with CMOS Circuits on a Single Chip

Eun Sok Kim
Richard S. Muller
A miniature diaphragm microphone having sensitivity to acoustic signals at the level of conversational speech has successfully been integrated with CMOS circuits on a single chip. The microphone is built on 1.4 um thick LPCVD silicon nitride...

Electrostatic Comb Drive for Resonant Sensor and Actuator Applications

William C.-K. Tang
Roger T. Howe

Interdigitated finger (comb) structures are demonstarted to be effective for electrostatically exciting the resonance of polycrystalline-silicon (polysilicon) microstrucutres parallel to the plane of the substrate. Linear plates suspended by a pair of folded-cantilever truss as well as torsional plates suspended by spiral and serpentine springs are fabricated from a 2 um-thick phosphorus-doped low-pressure chemical-vapor deposited (LPCVD) polysilicon film. Three experimental methods are used to characterize quasi-static and resonant motions: microscopic illumination, observation with a...

Assembly Techniques for Microelectromechanical Systems

Michael B. Cohn
Roger T. Howe
Batch microassembly techniques for MEMS and related systems are described. As an alternative to monolithic integration, these processes address the need for low-cost MEMS packaging, MEMS / CMOS integration, and large, sparse arrays of microfabricated devices. Two approaches are pursued. The first, self-assembly,...

Micromachined Hot-Filament Vacuum Devices

Kirt R. Williams
Richard S. Muller
We describe investigations on micromachined hot-filament vacuum devices, which are electronic devices made by micromachining an ohmically heated tungsten filamentthat acts as a source of blackbody-like radiation or of free electrons. The freestanding filaments, which are typically 200-500μm long, 5-20μm wide, and 0.7-2.3μm thick, are suspended over a cavity...

Micromachined Vibratory Rate Gyroscopes

William A. Clark
Roger T. Howe
A vibratory rate gyroscope has been developed and implemented using a micromachined mechanical element and integrated circuitry on the same silicon substrate. The mechanical element is a proof mass suspended by springs which is driven into lateral ...

Electromechanical Characterization of Microresonators for Circuit Applications

Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Roger T. Howe
The design of circuits incorporating microresonators which utilize electrostatic drive and sense is accompanied by a need for a convenient method to experimentally extract the circuit elements modelling the microresonators. Previously, techniques which electrically detect microresonator motional current ...

Micromechanical Signal Processors

Clark T.-C. Nguyen
Roger T. Howe
Completely monolithic high-Q micromechanical signal processors constructed of polycrystalline silicon and integrated with CMOS electronics are described. The signal processors implemented include an oscillator, a bandpass filter, and a mixer+filter-all of which are components commonly required for up-...

Micromechanisms Using Sidewall Beams

Michael Judy
Roger T. Howe
A process technology is developed for surface micromachining that achieves sub-micrometer linewidths without the use of advanced lithography equipment. This technique is based upon the sidewall spacer technique that has been used extensively in integrated circuits. The sidewall spacer technique, stated simply, is to deposit a conformal film over a vertical step on the substrate. The conformal film is then anisotropically etched leaving a siclewall spacer or beam. Traditionally these sidewall "stringers" were a nuisance in surface micromachining great care had to be expended to remove...

Single-Pixel Reconstructive Mid-Infrared Micro-Spectrometer

Kaichen Dong
Jiachen Li
Tiancheng Zhang
Fangda Gu
Yuhang Cai
Niharika Gupta
Ali Javey
Jie Yao
Junqiao Wu

Miniaturized spectrometers in the mid-infrared (MIR) are critical in developing next-generation portable electronics for advanced sensing and analysis. The bulky gratings or detector/filter arrays in conventional micro-spectrometers set a physical limitation to their miniaturization. In this work, we demonstrate a single-pixel MIR micro-spectrometer that reconstructs the sample transmission spectrum by a spectrally dispersed light source instead of spatially grated light beams. The spectrally tunable MIR light source is realized based on the thermal emissivity engineered via the metal-...