Liwei Lin (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Liwei Lin

Lin Group:  List of Projects | List of Researchers

Renxiao Xu

Graduate Student Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
Professor Liwei Lin (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2020

Renxiao Xu received his B.E. (2013) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, M.S. (2015) from Northwestern University, both in Mechanical Engineering. He is pursuing Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley.

BPN918: Magnetically Powered, Untethered Soft Robots with Bioinspired Bone-and-Flesh Constructs

Renxiao Xu
Fanping Sui

We present a new class of soft robots inspired by the bone-and-flesh construct in human body for fast, deterministic actuation. Two distinctive advancements have been achieved: (1) untethered robots with external magnetic power, boasting high normalized power density of ~2*10-2/s (40-6,000,000x higher than most reports); (2) ultrafast and deterministic-shape actuation in ~0.1 seconds (100x faster than the state-of-the-art). Inspired by the natural human architecture, our soft robots with different elastomer (flesh) structures and magnet (bone) placements can complete various tasks...

Pinned Boundary Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (PMUT)

Yue Liang

Ultrasound technologies can be applied to a variety of applications, such as medical imaging/therapeutics, materials assessment, flow rate measurement and others. Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers (PMUTs) have advantages over the traditional bulk transducers in wide bandwidth, small size, and low cost. This work proposes to boost PMUT’s acoustic performance further including vibrational amplitude, acoustic pressure and electromechanical coupling by using the pinning boundary structure and to explore various new applications. The equivalent circuit model for pinned boundary...