Dorian Liepmann (Advisor)

Research Advised by Professor Dorian Liepmann

Planar Microfluidics: Toward Large Scale Integration of Channels, Pumps, Valves, and Fluid Mixers in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

John Evans
Dorian Liepmann
Albert P. Pisano
Roger T. Howe
A cost effective, manufacturable technology for the large scale integration of microfluidic processing components would find wide application in drug delivery, drug development, micro-biology, genetics, printing and associated fields. This dissertation outlines a design paradigm...

Microrelay Design, Performance, and Systems

Ezekiel Kruglick
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Roger T. Howe
Richard M. White
Dorian Liepmann

Surface micromachined four terminal relays have been fabricated, tested, and packaged. The relays are implemented in a foundry process with minimal post-processing. They show on resistances as low as 20mW, current carrying capacities as highas 0.48 Amps, and lifetimes in the millions of cycles while hot switching 80mA. These devices are thus competitive with commercial macroscopic relays.

Achieving these high performance and reliability levels required exploring the physics and tribology of microrelays and using novel physical experiments to outline a...

Jeffrey Zahn

Professor Dorian Liepmann (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2001

Microfabricated Microneedles for Minimally Invasive Drug Delivery, Sampling and Analysis

Jeffrey Zahn
Dorian Liepmann
Albert P. Pisano
Frank Tendick

Utilizing current Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technologies, different microneedle designs have been fabricated and integrated with various microfabricated microfluidic devices. microneedle technology promises to revolutionize health care by allowing the precise injection of therapeutic agents to prescribed locations below the skin. In addition, microneedles can be used for sample collection for biological analysis, delivery of cell or cellular extract based vaccines, and sample handling providing interconnection between the microscopic and macroscopic world. Microneedsl are...

Bubble-Actuated Planar Microvalves

Alexandros Papavasiliou
Albert P. Pisano
Dorian Liepmann
Luke P. Lee

This work describes the development of low-power bubble-actuated planar micro gate valves. The work includes the design of the gate valve, the development of electrolysis bubbles as a low power actuator, and a novel fabrication procedure that allows these valves to be integrated with other planar fluidic devices and controlling circuitry. The operation of the valves is demonstrated and valve performance is measured in terms of leakage, power consumption, and cycle time.

The low-power, bubble-actuated, planar micro gate valves consist of a silicon gate that is thrust across a...

Assembly and Molding Processes for Three-Dimensional Microfabrication

Elliot Hui
Roger T. Howe
Kristofer S.J. Pister
Dorian Liepmann
Lithographic semiconductor microfabrication has been employed with great success for the manufacture of mechanical structures, achieving microscopic dimensions and great complexity at low cost. However, due to the inherently planar nature of the lithographic process, this technology is limited in its capability to produce three-dimensional structures. In this work, three strategies are presented for extending thin-film microfabrication into the...

Experimental Results of Miniature Rotary Internal Combustion Engines

Aaron Knobloch
Carlos Fernandez-Pello
Dorian Liepmann

Internal combustion engines offer many advantages over batteries for applications in portable power generation. A liquid hydrocarbon-fueled engine could provide ten times the specific energy density of the best batteries available....

Mansoor Nasir

Professor Dorian Liepmann (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2007

Zachary Lee

Professor Dorian Liepmann (Advisor)
Ph.D. 2009

An Experimental Study of Enhanced Thermal Conductivity Utilizing Columnated Silicon Microevaporators for Convective Boiling Heat Transfer at the Microscale

Christopher Hogue
Albert P. Pisano
Dorian Liepmann
Ming Gu

In this work, siliconbased twolayer microfluidic evaporators were designed, fabricated, and tested in an experimental study designed to examine the effects of outofplane vaporization and subsequent lateral convection on the effective inplane thermal conductivity of the device. The evaporator region in all devices measured 10 mm x 10mm, with an overall device size of 24...