Physical Sensors & Devices

Research that includes:

  • Silicon MEMS actuators: comb, electro-thermal, and plastic deformation
  • Precision electronic sensing and measurements of capacitive, frequency, and coulombic MEMS variables
  • Structures and architectures for gyroscopes, accelerometers, micro strain gauges for direct application to rigid structures e.g., steel, and levitated MEMS

BPNX1013: 3D Printing of Architected Hydrophones with Designed Beam Patterns

Victor Couedel
Haotian Lu

Piezoelectric hydrophones are crucial for underwater applications such as communication and seafloor mapping. Limited by the brittleness of piezoelectric ceramics, conventional manufacturing methods restrict hydrophones’ shapes to simple geometries such as disks, cylinders, or spheres, which limits the sensitivity, directivity pattern, and working frequency bandwidth of the device.

We are developping a new class of high-performance 3D printed piezoelectric hydrophones consisting of rationally designed micro-architectures. Using a high-

BPNX1035: Six-Axis Control of Electrostatically Levitated Mass

Yichen Liu
Daniel Lovell
Daniel Teal
Emily Tan
Hani Gomez
Alexander Alvara

The research focus of this project is to design, fabricate and develop a six-axis controlled electrostatically levitated mass system. While electrostatic levitation has been demonstrated before, this project focuses on developing a smaller form factor (10cmx10cm), low power (0.5W), and higher mass system. The proof mass will be levitated using actuation electrodes: four top electrodes for levitation and control of z-axis position as well as rotation about x- and y-axes, and six side electrodes for control of x- and y-axis position and z-axis rotation. To achieve stability in equilibrium,...

BPNX1034: Biological Bone Age Assessment via PMUTs

Nikita Lukhanin
Fan Xia
Sean Isomatsu
Megan Teng
Bo Jiang
Jean-Daniel Zanone

It has been well established that the bone age of a child can be estimated by using X-ray, CT, MRI, and other large medical imaging devices. While other less expensive and non-radioactive methodology use ultrasonography, these devices are bulky and often require trained technicians to use properly. This project introduces a low-cost, miniaturized device for bone age assessments by microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technologies in the form of a piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducer (pMUT). By integrating Aluminum nitride (AlN) into our 5 mm pMUT, we are capable of...

BPNX1029: Multi-Mode Multi-Direction High-Resolution Tactile Haptics and Sensing Duo-Functional Device using Piezoelectric Metamaterial

Jiayan Zhang

Texture sensing and feedback are critical milestones for unlocking truly dexterous robotics, advancing human-machine interaction, and enhancing teleoperation tasks. While existing systems utilizes pneumatics, vibration motors and other elementary methods to provide basic feedback, they lack the capability to translate data into rich, high-resolution haptic displays required to replicate the nuanced spectrum of human touch. Here, we aim to develop the first-ever fabrics capable of both high-fidelity contact sensing and reproducing touch experiences with the resolution and complexity of...

BPNX1014: Data-Driven Design of Metamaterials

Marco Maurizi
David Hahn
Anish Satpati
Desheng Yao

The rapid development of additive manufacturing technologies has enabled the fabrication of truss metamaterials, i.e., a novel class of lightweight-yet-strong materials with engineered complex hierarchical structures. Manipulating the architecture over chemical composition dramatically expands the achievable materials design space, allowing to largely control the mechanical response of metamaterials. Despite the great advances made in this area, designing three-dimensional (3D) truss metamaterials under complex or extreme conditions with programmable response is still a...

BPN997: Interface Piezoelectricity-Induced Superconducting Qubit Decoherence

Kerry Yu
Haoxin Zhou
Kadircan Godeneli
Zihuai Zhang
Mutasem Odeh
Shahin Jahanbani

Achieving high-performance quantum computing with superconducting qubits requires a good understanding of the various loss mechanisms that can degrade qubit performance. One such potential loss mechanism is undesired electromechanical coupling mediated by piezoelectric effects. It can occur even in centrosymmetric materials due to interface symmetry breaking. In our recent cryogenic microwave transmission measurements, we observed such interface piezoelectricity at the aluminum-silicon and aluminum-sapphire heterostructures, a widely used material combination in superconducting qubit...

BPNX1048: HelioSwarm - Hardware for the Electron Electrostatic Spectrograph (New Project)

Amanda Jung
Phyllis Whittlesey

The HelioSwarm mission aims to characterize plasma turbulence, a fundamental process affecting space weather and cosmic phenomena, including interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs) from the sun. These characterizations will be driven by nine spacecraft—one central hub and eight smaller nodes—for multi-scale, multi-point measurements of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic fields. The Electron Electrostatic Spectrograph will be located on the hub and it is the only direct electron measurement tool in the swarm. This project requires the...

BPN972: Temperature-Insensitive Resonant Strain Sensor

Xintian Liu
Kevin H. Zheng
Neil Chen

Explore the ultimate capability of a vibrating ring-based electrical stiffness-based resonant strain sensor, rigorously confirming a superior insensitivity to temperature that should permit it to operate under wide temperature excursions, such as experienced in harsh automotive environments.

Project currently funded by: Industry Sponsored

BPN743: Highly Responsive pMUTs

Peggy Tsao
Megan Teng
Hanxiao Liu
Yande Peng

Ultrasonics has been realized as a nondestructive measurement method for a variety of
applications, such as medical imaging, healthcare monitoring, structural testing, range finding, and motion sensing. Furthermore, high intensity ultrasound can be used in therapeutic treatments, such as lithotripsy for kidney stone comminution, hyperthermia for cancer therapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for laparoscopic surgery and transcranial sonothrombolysis for brain stroke treatment. MEMS ultrasonic transducers are known to have several pronounced advantages over the conventional...

BPN961: Integrated Photonics for Scalable Trapped Ion Quantum Computing

Daniel Klawson
Yiyang Zhi
Arkadev Roy
Rohan Kumar

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) play a pivotal role in scaling trapped ion quantum systems. However, current quantum PICs suffer from low ion densities. We present a novel quantum PIC for individual optical control of closely-spaced trapped ion qubits. Our device achieves effectively achromatic beam focusing from 405 nm to 810 nm (and beyond) via a planar waveguide lens and a 3D-printed biconic mirror. Moreover, we have measured 30 dB crosstalk at a 5 µm pitch for the 532 nm and 729 nm barium and calcium gate wavelengths, surpassing the state-of-the-art. Finally, our monolithic surface...