NanoPlasmonics, Microphotonics & Imaging

Research that includes:

  • Polymer, printed optical lenslet arrays
  • Microfluidic tuneable photopolymer lenses
  • Optical switches and planar lightwave MEMS
  • Vertically integrated microconfocal arrays
  • Bio-inspired integration of tuneable polymer optics with imaging electronics

BPN955: AI-Powered Nanoplasmonic Biosensing

Declan M. Fitzgerald
Kamyar Behrouzi

Access to affordable and user-friendly biosensors is crucial for advancing global healthcare. While lateral flow immunoassays have been the primary solution for decades, their limited sensitivity and suboptimal sample utilization present challenges. This project represents a systematic progression towards developing economically viable biosensors with heightened sensitivity, covering a range of diseases from viral infections to cancer. By integrating nanoplasmonics to induce visually perceptible signals and harnessing the coffee ring effect for protein pre-concentration, we achieved...

BPNX1025: In-Sensor Visible to Mid-Infrared Spectral Machine Vision

Dehui Zhang
Jamie Geng
Shifan Wang
Hyong Min Kim

Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging are important optical inspection technologies. They collect the spatial and spectral information of the incidental light into 3D hypercubes, which can be post-processed into material and structural mapping of the scene. However, acquiring and analyzing the 3D hypercubes set great challenges in data collection, transportation, storage, and computation. The much higher energy, bandwidth, and memory budgets limit the implementation of high-speed, high-resolution hyperspectral imaging to achieve intelligent machine vision. This project introduces an...

A Fully Wireless, Miniaturized Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy

Rozhan Rabbani
Micah Roschelle
Surin Gweon
Rohan Kumar
Alec Vercruysse
Nam Woo Cho
Matthew H. Spitzer
Ali M. Niknejad
Vladimir Stojanović
Mekhail Anwar

Implantable sensors capable of real-time monitoring of complex cellular dynamics can provide critical information for understanding disease progression and treatment response, leading to more personalized medicine. An impactful application is in cancer immunotherapy which produces durable responses but suffers from low response rates (<50%). Multicolor fluorescence microscopy is a critical tool for the study of multi-cell type dynamics but limited optical penetration depth (<5 mm for 400-900nm) and bulky optics constrain its use in vivo. Therefore, wireless, miniaturized...

A Wireless, Multicolor Fluorescence Image Sensor Implant for Real-Time Monitoring in Cancer Therapy

Micah Roschelle
Rozhan Rabbani
Surin Gweon
Rohan Kumar
Alec Vercruysse
Nam Woo Cho
Matthew H. Spitzer
Ali M. Niknejad
Vladimir Stojanović
Mekhail Anwar

Real-time monitoring of dynamic biological processes in the body is critical to understanding disease progression and treatment response. These data, for instance, can help address the lower than 50% response rates to cancer immunotherapy. However, current clinical imaging modalities lack the molecular contrast, resolution, and chronic usability for rapid and accurate response assessments. Here, we present a fully wireless image sensor featuring a 2.5 × 5 mm 2 CMOS integrated circuit for multicolor fluorescence imaging deep in tissue. The sensor operates wirelessly via...

Multicolor Fluorescence Microscopy for Surgical Guidance Using a Chip-Scale Imager with a Low-NA Fiber Optic Plate and a Multi-Bandpass Interference Filter

Micah Roschelle
Rozhan Rabbani
Efthymios Papageorgiou
Hui Zhang
Matthew Cooperberg
Bradley A. Stohr
Ali M. Niknejad
Mekhail Anwar

In curative-intent cancer surgery, intraoperative fluorescence imaging of both diseased and healthy tissue can help to ensure the successful removal of all gross and microscopic diseases with minimal damage to neighboring critical structures, such as nerves. Current fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) systems, however, rely on bulky and rigid optics that incur performance-limiting trade-offs between sensitivity and maneuverability. Moreover, many FGS systems are incapable of multiplexed imaging. As a result, clinical FGS is currently limited to millimeter-scale detection of a single...

BPNX1010: Foundry-Compatible Silicon Photonic MEMS Switch

Arkadev Roy
Erik Anderson
Daniel Klawson
Yiyang Zhi
Sirui Tang

Integrated silicon photonic switches can serve as primary building blocks for low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnects for communication in data-intensive scenarios ranging from servers in datacenters to chiplets in multi-chip integrated packages. Our group has been developing MEMS-based large-scale silicon photonic switches which are particularly attractive for their low-loss, high-extinction, and low-power performance as well as sub-microsecond switching speed. Previous demonstrations, although fully compatible with CMOS foundries, relied upon a custom fabrication stack. The goal of the...

BPNX1012: Optimization of Integrated Microlens Couplers for Wafer-Scale Packaging

Sirui Tang
Jianheng Luo
Johannes Henriksson

Despite the current widespread use of silicon photonics, fiber coupling remains one of the principal challenges in mass production. Integrated microlens couplers (IMCs) have been demonstrated as an efficient, broadband, and polarization-insensitive method for wafer-scale fiber-to-chip coupling, with a previously achieved free-space coupling loss of 0.6 dB. In this project, our goal is to further improve the performance and enhance the fabrication robustness of our IMCs. Specifically, we are replacing the polymer with hard material and developing a design that balances rotational and...

Dehui Zhang

Postdoctoral Researcher
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Professor Ali Javey (Advisor)

Dehui Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher in Electrical Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, a postdoctoral researcher at Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC), and a research affiliate in the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2021, and was a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Los Angeles in 2021-2023. Dehui Zhang joined Javey Research Group in September 2023...

BPN751: Large-Scale Silicon Photonic MEMS Switch with Sub-Microsecond Response Time

Johannes Henriksson
Jianheng Luo

We developed a new architecture suitable for building a large-scale optical switch with fast response time. We have demonstrated switches with a scale of 240x240 and speed of sub microsecond using our new architecture. The switch architecture consists of an optical crossbar network with MEMS-actuated couplers and is implemented on a silicon photonics platform. To our knowledge this is the largest monolithic switch, and the largest silicon photonic integrated circuit, reported to date. The passive matrix architecture of our switch is fundamentally more scalable than that of multistage...

BPN882: An Ultra-Thin Molecular Imaging Skin for Intraoperative Cancer Detection Using Time-Resolved CMOS Sensors

Hossein Najafi
Mekhail Anwar

Successful treatment of cancer requires targeted and individualized treatment, and subsequently an assessment of the state of the tumor being examined, both gross and microscopic, however oncologists have no method of identifying microscopic tumor in the patient. This results in tumor cells being left behind in patients undergoing surgery. Currently, the only way to determine the presence of any microscopic residual is to examine the excised tumor, stained with a proper marker, under a microscope, which only adds to the complexity and length of the surgery and treatment. The two current...