BSAC Seminar: Mask Making 101

February 6, 2008

Bill Martin

Martin Photomask Services
February 6, 2008 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 521 Cory Hall, Hogan Room
Host: M. Wasilik

"Mask Making 101" * Tier 1 mask shops vs. Tier 2 mask shops: Is there a difference? * Ebeam vs. Laserwriters: What works best for your application? * Address units vs. spot size and grids * Data issues: not all GDS programs are the same o Dealing with conics o Fracturing of polygons * MEMS vs. electronics masks * DXF data vs. GDS data: Can you use both? * What drives mask costs * Defect inspection: How much do you really need or are you getting enough? * Overlay: Sodalime vs Quartz and can you mix and match? * Reticle frames vs. global marks

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