BSAC Seminar: Novel Tools for Single Cell Analysis: Flow-Lysosomal and SiCMA

December 15, 2009

Dr. Won Chul Lee

Postdoctoral Fellow, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
BSAC PhD 2008
December 15, 2009 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 540 Cory Hall, DOP Center Conference Room
Host: Al Pisano

We present two new approaches, flow-lysometry and Single Cell Micro-chamber Array (SiCMA), to analyze single cells in large cell populations. Conventional flow cytometry or automated microscopy allows the measurement of cell surface markers, but options to characterize cytosolic components inside individual cells are limited. Both new techniques disrupt the membranes of individual cells using MEMS technology, making the cellular cytosol available for biochemical measurements, but use different approaches to achieve high-throughput. In flow-lysometry, cells are identified, disrupted, and analyzed one by one in a micro-fluidic channel. While this rapidly analyzes large numbers of cells, it is limited to the measurement of compounds that result in relatively rapid chemical reactions. SiCMA analyzes large numbers of cells in parallel with micro-chambers. In these chambers, the cytosol of individual cells is mixed with extra cellular medium and the ensuing biochemical reaction is followed in time. The number of cells analyzed is limited to the number of micro-chambers available. We envision that both techniques can be applied to various heterogeneous populations of cell types enabling correlation in cytosolic composition with cell function in health and disease. This presentation is the second part of the November 24th BSAC Seminar by Dr. Frans Kuypers.

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