BSAC Seminar: Micro and Nanoscale Acoustic Devices for Communication, Sensing, and Energy

February 16, 2011

Dr. Maryam Ziaei-Moayyed

Advanced MEMS Department, Sandia National Laboratories
BSAC MS 2005
February 16, 2011 | 02:00 to 03:00 | 400 Cory Hall, Hughes Room
Host: Clark Nguyen

Continued scaling of micromechanical systems has enabled devices with improved performance and new functionalities that address needs in electronic, telecommunication, and medical industries. The presentation will focus on micro- and nano-scale Silicon Carbide (SiC) acoustic devices which are lithographically defined and fabricated using standard CMOS-compatible processes. Dr. Ziaei-Moayyed will present design, modeling, fabrication, and characterization of high-overtone, lateral bulk acoustic resonators (LOBARs) with quality factors exceeding 100,000 at 3GHz, resulting in the highest f.Q product demonstrated to date in any acoustic device at any length scale. Then a new class of nanoscale acoustic resonators based on Phononic Crystals (PnC) or acoustic bandgap meta-materials will be presented. Phononic crystals, due to their ability to precisely control and manipulate propagation of acoustic waves, have a wide range of applications in communication systems, acoustic imaging, sensing, acoustic isolation, and thermal energy management. Micro and nanoscale acoustic Fabry-perot cavities with phononic crystal acoustic mirrors allow for decoupling of piezoelectric transducers from the low loss resonating structure. Dr. Ziei-Moayyed will present SiC phononic-based cavities with low insertion losses and high quality factors at microwave frequencies, while achieving a small form factor. These resonators are ideal for on-chip multi-frequency, multi-bandwidth filter banks, spectrum analyzers, low phase noise oscillators, and ultra-sensitive chemical and biological sensors. Phononic crystals can also be used to shape the thermal phonon distribution that leads to reduced thermal conductivities. Phononic crystal-based thermoelectric devices can be used for highly efficient thermoelectric energy scavenging, on-chip accelerated cooling, and thermal noise reduction. Dr. Ziei-Moayyed will conclude the talk by discussion of hybrid electronic/phononic and phononic/photonic systems, where fundamental investigation of coupling between acoustic, electrical, and optical waves at the nanoscale, will enable smaller, lighter, lower power, and fully integrated systems in communication, computation, energy, and sensing applications.

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