Damian Paszkeicz
Disco Hi-Tec America, Santa Clara
June 28, 2011 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 540 Cory Hall, DOP Center Conference Room
Host: Bill Flounders
Disco Hi-Tec has an Applications Lab with $14M of equipment specifically designed to enable leading-edge process development for Kiru, Kezuru, and Migaku technologies (KKM Dicing, Grinding and Polishing). The Marvell NanoLab has ordered a Disco 3240 dicing saw, which is a significant upgrade for lab users. The presentation will include information about: Silicon Valley Service Lab; Stealth and Ablation Lasers; Conventional Dicing - New Blades & Processes; Grinding and Taiko Grinding; Dicing Before Grind (DBG); KKM Development Services; Process Overview; Corporate Overview. Disco Hi-Tec (www.discousa.com) is generously sponsoring today’s seminar.
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