BSAC Seminar: A 1-50 GHz Dielectric Spectroscopy Biosensor with Integrated Receiver Front-End in 65-nm CMOS

November 27, 2012

Jun-Chau Chien

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
BSAC Graduate Student Researcher
November 27, 2012 | 12:00 to 12:30 | 540 Cory Hall, DOP Center Conference Room
Host: Ali Niknejad

Complex permittivity at microwave frequencies has been used to characterize the property of biological samples including tissue and cells. One successful application is the tissue classification for breast cancer. Clinical study has shown that the re-excision rate in the breast conserving surgery can be reduced by a factor of two with the aid of permittivity measurements. In this work, we address the limitation in the existing approach and demonstrate a prototype chip achieving sensing areas 40x smaller and measures complex permittivity with >6x frequency range as compared to previous work.

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