BSAC Seminar: Cool MEMS Applications are Heating Up

April 8, 2014

Dr. Leslie Field

Founder, SmallTech Consulting
BSAC PhD 1991
April 8, 2014 | 12:30 to 01:30 | 540 Cory Hall
Host: Richard White

The presentation will include a discussion of MEMS applications in microfluidic, biomedical, and climate-related areas from an industrial perspective. Wearable technology for activity and health monitoring provide hot opportunities for consumer products and further research. Drug delivery is a perennial area of interest, and seems to be heating up lately. And the application of MEMS devices for monitoring and mitigating climate change is a fascinating and increasingly crucial area as well. This talk will also touch on life after BSAC, navigating the worlds of industrial R&D, technical consulting, start-ups, inventions, accelerators, and the quest for funding. is external)

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