BSAC Seminar: Transfer Printing for LEGO-Like Microassembly and Nanomaterial Integration

June 14, 2017

Prof. Seok Kim

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mechanical Science and Engineering
June 14, 2017 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 540 Cory Hall
Host: Liwei Lin

Reversible dry adhesion-based transfer printing provides a highly straightforward pathway to heterogeneous material integration. The speaker presents his recent research outcomes accomplished in his laboratory which has been exploring responsive surfaces, microassembly, and nanomanufacturing technologies. The first part introduces an engineered reversible dry adhesive made of a shape memory polymer and highlights its consumer product-like prototype. The second part shows how his reversible dry adhesive advances transfer printing techniques to enable his microassembly called micro-LEGO and summarizes the applications of micro-LEGO with the examples not only of 3D heterogeneous micro-structures but also of devices such as a microtoroid resonator, a tip-tilt-piston micromirror, and a RF MEMS switch. Finally, the third part demonstrates his transfer printing techniques which are further exploited in order to pattern and integrate colloidal quantum dot films. The strategies presented in his talk benefit research activities in smart dry adhesives, 3D MEMS, and nano devices.

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