BSAC Seminar: Sensors - Supporting Megatrends

December 1, 2015

Peter Deane

Director, Smart Machines Architecture and Technology, Samsung Innovation Center, Menlo Park
December 1, 2015 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 540 Cory Hall
Host: John Huggins

This seminar will not be an in-depth technical session, but a high-level discussion that will, hopefully, be entertaining and informative. There will be a general introduction to Samsung and the Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center. Areas to be covered include key sensor-oriented thrusts and some perspectives on IoT, mHealth, and Smart Machines. The systems approach to technology development will also be highlighted. is external)

Interested in nominating someone to speak at the BSAC Technology Seminar? We welcome you to submit a speaker nomination here(link is external)

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BSAC Technology Seminar Series

BSAC Technology Seminar Series
Hosted by Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center

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Dalene Schwartz Corey