Albert Henning Ph.D.
Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems
February 3, 2015 | 12:30 to 01:30 | 521 Cory Hall
Host: John Huggins
Headquartered in Munich, with a partial subvention from the German Federal Republic, the Fraunhofer Society (FhG) has many different aspects and attributes, and it is commonly misunderstood by most professionals in STEM fields external of Germany. FhG has over 25,000 'Mitarbeiter,' or employee-colleagues, spread over 67 separate institutes, most of which are found in Germany. Each institute is largely autonomous, with a loose confederation of about 14 institutes focused on microsystems research covering ICs, MEMS and nanotech. Of these 14, the Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) is the leading practitioner of sensors and MEMS - focusing on projects ranging from fundamental research supported by governmental entities, to research, development and manufacturing for commercial clients.
This talk offers a brief, broad-brush sketch of FhG and then focuses on the various microsensors, MEMS devices and microsystem technologies developed and deployed by IPMS in Dresden. These range from pressure sensors for the French automotive industry and complex micro-mirror arrays on CMOS backplanes for maskless lithography systems, to capacitive micro-machined ultrasonic transducers, devices based on resonant single-mirror MEMS (such as scanners and NIR spectrometers), and a variety of other devices and systems.
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