BSAC Seminar: Nonlinear Dynamics of Engineered Photons in Nanostructures

February 3, 2009

Prof. Chee Wei Wong

Columbia University
February 3, 2009 | 12:00 to 01:00 | 521 Cory Hall, Hogan Room
Host: Al Pisano

Propelled by advances in nanofabrication, we can now examine the control of photons in engineered nanostructures. First, we demonstrate the strong control of dispersion and localization in photonic crystal structures, leading to the observations of negative refraction, zero-index superlattice band gaps, and ultrahigh-Q subwavelength nanocavities. Coherent interactions in such nanostructures lead to recent observations of an optical analogue to electromagnetically-induced-transparency. Second, we report our studies in nonlinear optics through the tight field confinement and long photon lifetimes in our photonic crystal structures. Examples include slow-light Raman scattering, and femtojoule Fano-type optical bistability. Third, we describe our efforts in nonclassical optics through these nanostructures. Examples include controlling spontaneous emission through cavity quantum electrodynamics for efficient on-demand single photon sources, and realizing scalable quantum phase gates for quantum information sciences.

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