BSAC Seminar: Hollow Stems for Higher Micromechanical Disk Resonator Quality Factor

September 4, 2012

Lingqi Wu

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
BSAC Graduate Student Researcher
September 4, 2012 | 12:00 to 12:30 | 540 Cory Hall, DOP Center Conference Room
Host: Clark Nguyen

The use of hollow support stems to reduce energy loss to the substrate while supporting all-polysilicon UHF micromechanical disk resonators has enabled quality factors as high as 93,231 at 178 MHz and 56,061 at 329 MHz -- values now in the same range as previous disk resonators employing multiple materials with more complex fabrication processes. With a substantially smaller cross-sectional area compared with the full stems used by predecessors, the hollow stem of this work effectively squeezes the energy conduit between the disk structure and the substrate thereby suppressing energy loss and maximizing Q for devices operating in radial-contour and whispering gallery modes. Measurements confirm Q enhancements of 2.6× for contour modes at 154 MHz and 2.9× for wine glass modes around 112 MHz over values previously achieved by full stem all-polysilicon disk resonators with identical dimensions. The measured results not only demonstrate an effective Q-enhancement method with minimal increase in fabrication complexity, but also provide a competitive way to improve insertion loss for narrowband filters built by mechanically coupled micromechanical disk resonators.

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